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East lake bull

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Posts posted by East lake bull

  1. 11 hours ago, DELdaBull said:

    Speed? Never

    Cross the street without the walking man? Nope

    Have a broken tail light? You better button that up immediately.

    Low beam light out. Do not go anywhere but straight to the auto shop. 

    Why? Because you NEVER want ANY random reason for them to harass you and potentially not see your loved ones. 

    But I as a white man. never worries about these situations threatening my life . But there's no racism in this country , funny how only white people say this. 

  2. 1 hour ago, smazza said:

    hmmmmm- we are the biggest and best personal injury firm in california and we dont have one covid case.i dont have a crystal ball but i dont see a windfall in these type cases.Now if you force the kids to go to school without an opt out option that may be a different story

    the less than 3% is a funny stat because if it is you or your loved one it is 100%

    So very well said,  empathy is really lacking in many of our fellow citizens these days.

  3. 9 hours ago, puc86 said:

    What is stopping them? Oh you don’t want to solve it unless everyone contributes equally to your ideas despite the fact they may not support them, well because of that you have apparently made it where you need conservatives, independents and more people than desire to create a nanny state.

    I would hate a nanny state , but I do support a a more compassionate one .

  4. 13 hours ago, Fold FB Invest in BB said:

    I don’t think anybody is demonizing the NIH or NASA here, unless I’m misreading you 😉

    It does pose a dilemma for me personally. I own stock and I sure as hell hope somebody is looking for maximum value, but at the same time, I realize that it comes at a cost. All I’m suggesting is more balance and regulation.

    I'm also invested in the market so I'm certainly not anti-corporation ,I just want them to pay a higher rate on taxes a  more fair rate .

  5. 12 hours ago, Fold FB Invest in BB said:

    The middle class has been shrinking since Reagan. It has more to do with globalization and the transition form the CEOs of the 50s and 60s who had responsibilities to labor and government to the profit over everything system we have now. It was a balance. Now the only responsibility is to the value of a share. Period. Anything the CEO does is to make profit, and this certainly includes lobbying lawmakers and policy writers. If not he’s not doing his job. All of this profit maximization, has caused a whole array of social problems for the general public including the very employees of these corporations, which certainly doesn’t help grow the middle class. 

    There is only one entity I can think of that can step in and correct this and it is not the “free market”. Unfortunately, corporations have been granted personhood by the Supreme Court and now have the same rights as you and I. Until that is rectified, I see no end to our current predicament. Money talks, ******** walks and they got a lot more of it.


  6. 19 hours ago, Brad said:

    But they don't.  Daily they rage about wealthy people (>250K, although the politicians are on the high side of that group), corporations (that employ people and create goods for society). Rage against the tax base and the employers.  Liberal identity politics often looks like care for the poor and downtrodden, but it's typically in exchange for a vote.  Hence the middle class shrinking under the last liberal president.  Less well-to-do and more dependents that think the Libs are on their side.  They're not.  They're on the side as the Repubs - the politicrat side.  


    Most liberals do not rage against wealthy people in fact many liberals are in fact wealthy , corporations do in fact employ people and create goods     but only with help from government ( roads, infrastructure, law enforcement , fire departments , loans for R&D , to name a few ) . They do think corporations should pay more taxes ( some pay none ) Caring for the poor and the weakest among us is certainly a trait of liberals,  but to think     it's in exchange for their vote is absurd.  The reason the middle class shrunk was due to a recession caused by a republican president ( which.       always seems to happen during republican administrations.) The less well to do do depend more on liberals for help because without them there would be no help. Liberals could  solve most of the problems in society if conservatives would get the hell out of the way . By the way trumpism is not a conservative ideal  but a cult of personality which inspires those that.  don't see the idea of being the melting pot of the world as a great advantage to us all. Amen.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Tantalizing discussion.  What one sentence, way out there description would you provide of the non-conservatives?  Say...maybe their opposition the Liberals?

    Is it way out there to suggest that liberals care more about the well being of society as a whole? You know being  only as strong as the weakest link.  Take for example the bill just passed, the Republicans wanted most of the money going to corporations while the Democrats wanted most going to      those who lost their jobs, luckily the latter passed  I'm not really into chaos.that much.

  8. 15 minutes ago, puc86 said:

    I guess that they are the only ones doing it (kind of) then technically they are doing it best but it doesn’t take much to conclude that their spending is horribly out of balance, goes largely unchecked and if it was in private hands would be slashing the exuberant waste like Jack the Ripper. I guess you are right the arms race isn’t over it’s just we are racing ourselves, we produce things, give them to others and then need to produce more, bigger and better things to defeat the same things we just introduced to the rest of the world. It is nuts and almost single handedly destroys the budget every single year.

    I certainly agree with you regarding the bloated defense budget, but privatizing the military, NEVER . How would that have worked in WW2 ?

  9. 1 minute ago, East lake bull said:


    So what kind of assistance are you and other 'individuals' offering to our neighbors in Tampa Bay , so I can get involved with you? I know a few bartenders , hairdressers , waitresses, dental hygienists , store clerks etc etc etc that could use ' individuals ' help. I still think together through our taxes we will do much more .Keep me posted I'm available. 

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