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I like GOOOOLD (and green)

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Posts posted by I like GOOOOLD (and green)

  1. 1 hour ago, Mission9 said:

    For those who do not know (you are better off), ECU fans are the most narcissistic when it comes to their home attendance vs. others in the league.  They are obsessed to a fault.They even try to make it sound like UCF fans do not exist.  I have had to gently tell them that I know they do and sometimes wish they did not.  Most of these self absorbed fans are in total denial that when USF played in a bigger conference (Big East) and against teams people actually cared about, our fans showed up.  We are in the AAC now so we have lost quite a few fans we had  last decade.   

    I assume this was regarding me,  I have not once mentioned ECU's attendance so you are kind of barking up the wrong tree. The ECU fans I've met consider UCF to be one of their greatest rivalries,  so once again I believe you are mistaken. ..or basing your opinion on a small sample size.  It is kind of funny how you blame the small crowds on your conference affiliation when the team you're bashing manages respectable crowds despite playing in the same or lesser conferences.   The AAC is a good conference by the way and it's one you should embrace.   Its lame to deride a fan base thats more supportive of a team that frankly works with a lot less than you've been afforded.  Your attendance issues are self-inflicted,  not due to the conference you're in. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, The Great 8 said:

    The scary thing about Saturday's attendance is that with 52k actual butts in the seats and 40% being FSU fans we probably only brought ~30-35K fans. I think we've peaked in the AAC guys, if 3-0 and against this opponent doesn't bring more than 40K USF fans nothing will.

    I know RJS is cavernous, but that was the sparsest looking 52k ever.  In the youtube video below there are some decent crowd shots that show all empty sections outside of the small student section and majority maroon shirts mixed in the crowd during running highlights.  I do see a slight majority USF directly surrounding the field in the first row, which is a good thing as it means a lot of diehards kept their tix and showed up.  That said, I doubt it was 60/40 USF, most likely the other way around: 



  3. 26 minutes ago, ECUshoein said:

    There is a lot more variance in western NC, depends on where exactly you speak of.  Asheville is nice all the way around, imo.  If you want to completely skip the heat you need to head closer to the TN border though.  Parts of NW NC have never hit 90 degrees...at least as far as documented records go.  It gets...sparse...out there though.

    For reference, it has been a really hot summer for NC.  Asheville has hit 90 19 times this year, which is well above average.  8 times in June, 9 in July, 1 in Aug, 1 in Sep.  Charlotte has 80 days of 90 degree temps.  Tampa has 97 days of 90 degree temps.  

    Also, officially, Tampa hit 96 once and 95 x 9 other times this year.  Charlotte, for example-officially, has hit 99, 98 x6, 97 x 5, 96 x 4, and 95 x 16.  Granted, these are merely NWS official numbers so that doesn't mean it didn't hit 101 or whatever on X given day.  But, this happens everywhere.  

  4. 41 minutes ago, Dogma said:

    any experience on western north Carolina?

    There is a lot more variance in western NC, depends on where exactly you speak of.  Asheville is nice all the way around, imo.  If you want to completely skip the heat you need to head closer to the TN border though.  Parts of NW NC have never hit 90 degrees...at least as far as documented records go.  It gets...sparse...out there though.

    For reference, it has been a really hot summer for NC.  Asheville has hit 90 19 times this year, which is well above average.  8 times in June, 9 in July, 1 in Aug, 1 in Sep.  Charlotte has 80 days of 90 degree temps.  Tampa has 97 days of 90 degree temps.  

  5. 23 minutes ago, Rex Havoc said:

    Do you regret leaving? My fiancé and I are thinking about moving to the Charlotte NC area. I'm in my mid 30's now and can't take the constant heat anymore. I know it's hot other places during the summer, but like you know it's hot here 90% of the year. 

    Lived in Charlotte for 4 years.  The summer starts in May usually (always by memorial day) and goes thru september.  From the middle of June through August it is hotter than anywhere in the Tampa area.   It does get cloudy/rainy in the winter with a couple of days of snow each year.  I wouldn't say you escape the heat there, just the never ending nature of it. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    The fact that you used the actual attendance figure for us IS Smack, so unless you can come up with comparable "objective data", don't bother bringing that crap around here. I've normally had a pretty good respect for ECU and the football program, going waaaaaaay back and if you want to come on here talking about YOUR attendance, no real problem here .... but you start throwing in with those lying bastards noreast of here, you will continue to be taunted mercilessly.

    And if you considered what I posted as even an idle "threat", you are either incredibly thin skinned or incredibly clueless as to how this board rolls at times. Although, I do think you hit upon something with Gin Blossoms. It would explain a lot.


    So, are you saying I shouldn't bother bringing attendance numbers to an attendance thread? I'm happy to let this go, but you are the one that sounds thin skinned; and if your answer to my just stated question is anything other than 'No' then you have gone a long way to explaining 'how you roll'...I hope that others here don't feel the same way.  

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  7. 33 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    Do yourself a favor and don't lump yourself in with UCF when it comes to attendance smack ..... Any shred of respect we may have had for you will be gone.

    There was no smack, only objective data.  If you want Smack, I could say something along the lines of 'ECU should play at Ray Jay, they'd fill it better...plus the whole pirate ship thing'.  But, if you have followed my posts thus far you would know that isn't my interest.  Frankly if you must resort to idle threats when faced with objective (and not combative) comments, then your respect would not be considered a priority of mine-nor anyone else's of substance.   There are plenty of others here who welcome discourse and provide something other than previously mentioned threats.  Mods are not exempt from accountability, ban away if you must.

    • Downvote 1

    28 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    Dude, they're fast now ..... really, really fast. They even had a Fastival and everything. I'm shocked it wasn't a sellout. And as far as bringing in more fans, all we're sure of is they distributed more tickets. There wasn't a tractor pull or anything over there during the day, was there?

    Even better...GIN BLOSSOMS! /sarcasm

  9. 2 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Out here, no one knows the difference between UCF and USF.  First noticed when we were ranked #2 and everyone thought Daunte Culpepper went to our school.  And when the tinmen beat Baylor, I got high fives.  Both low points in fanhood out here in PAC 12 land.  No one cares about U_F.

    What really matters is how the respective schools do in FLA, number #3 in the state is up for grabs...that's not bad in FLA's case.  

  10. 2 hours ago, Triple B said:

    Here's the post that got the -6:


    The "they" you were referring to is UCF and that's what got you the down thumbs, because you followed it up with nothing of value to substantiate the claim ...

    The evidence is the basis of the conversation- you hear about them more bc they have more of a following.  I don't need to be redundant to point out simple basis of truth.  If you feel otherwise, that's fine.  

    • Downvote 9
  11. 16 hours ago, Gismo said:

    You only noticed more ECU because you are an ECU fan. 


    The big 12 added a tiny school like TCU, with a tiny following in a market they already owned. 

    Not true, my family was from Temple Terrace, I have personal interest in USF...hence why I'm here.  I am disappointed by the poor response of the local forum members here to relatively objective opinions from outsiders though.  Not reflecting your current comment, but big picture.  There was no reason for my comment to get 6 thumbs down, it was an accurate statement, there is more ECU stuff where I tend to go (mostly south) than USF.  There very well may be more USF stuff in Cali though, no idea.  

    • Downvote 2
  12. 48 minutes ago, Gismo said:

    USF leads UCF in every metric.

    med school







    The one thing UCF is slightly ahead of USF is their engineering program and large enrollment.


    That may all be true, but one other thing they are better in is popularity/following.  That's gotta play a role.  Honestly I've seen more following from ECU in various areas (outside of FLA) than USF, despite all the things you listed that rank yourselves ahead of UCF.  

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