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Posts posted by traincar

  1. Where in his comments has he called out the seniors? All of our starters aren't seniors, ya know. You're just putting words in his mouth to try and find another reason to dislike him.

    Most times when coaches "shake up the depth chart" its to replace a senior with an underclassman. Basicly they are telling you that the have given up on the season, and are looking to get underclassman into the games, in anticipation of next year. Skippy has told you that he is giving up on the season. Actions speak louder than words!

  2. So Skippy thinks "shaking up the depth chart" is going to solve his problem. Really? Are you telling me he is acknowledging he has been playing the wrong players? Or, is he trying to blame it on the seniors, most of whom were recruited by JL? Come on Skippy, you can do better than that! Start looking in the mirror! These seniors gave their all to this program and now, because you cannot coach, you want to use them as the scapegoats for your miserable campaign! That's it, just throw them under the bus, with the blame! How would you like to have been a senior, in this program, on this team? While I am at it, how would you like to be a tight end, recruited to this program that doesn't throw the ball to tight ends? Yeah, that helps the recruiting! So long Skippy!

  3. It looked like a cheap shot and being a fan shouldn't make anyone blind. Call it like you see it. He had no business hitting the guy so far behind the play. IT WAS A CHEAP SHOT AND AN EMBARRASSMENT! ESPN made sure everyone knew it too!

    And TrainCar, you might want to gain a few more posts than an esteemed 7 before you find it appropriate to lecture other posters , about your expertise in football and what a clip indicates. Kind of like a baby in diapers crying because the milk deliveries are late.

    My eyes are not blinded by the number of posts i have put on here. I guess yours are, if you don't see a cheap shot in what Reiter did. As far as my expertise and qualifications, its evident I am more qualified to respond to the incident than you are. As you stated, your rational for being correct is the number of posts you put up here! I know if my coach ever saw me do what Reiter did, on National TV no less, I would have been riding the bench. I guess you have a different definition of "character". Pity you! Also, wasn't it funny Reiter got called for holding against Ball state when he triend to trip a Ball State player that had beaten him. I guess it goes to that "character" thing I was referring to......
  4. USF paid $2 mil a year for a name. Thats what it all comes down to. If they wanted the real thing, they should have hired the old man, not his kid! I couldn't care less when i hear an announcer on ESPN say "Lou Holtz is in the house" like they did last week. It doesn't mean squat! Almost like an idiot who overspends for golf clubs, because he thinks they are going to make him into Tiger Woods!

  5. We lost this game because of a basic inability- the inability to tackle someone properly. We tried arm tackling, like we play Pop Warner football, and we tried tackling up high, like we were fighting in the UFC or something. We had our hands on them, we just never bring them down to the ground because we don't "stick 'em and wrap them up". We let them parade up and down the field on us like we were a NY runway, and they were supermodels!

  6. Why did we extend? Was it because of great unexpected performance? Oh thats right, we don't pay based on performance here! I could see giving an extension if we had done something special, but all we seem to do is disappoint. I guess they just looked at a win at Notre Dame and said "throw money at him" I'd say they got "caught up in the moment!"

  7. I'm not buying into the "concentration" crap. When I played football the coaches came in fired up, they fired us up and when we walked onto the field, we were invincible because we believed we were! I don't see anything like that with this team. No emotion at all! Absolutely pathetic! Like the other team should just roll over and play dead, just because we showed up! Who the heck are we trying to kid?

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