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Posts posted by Nuke

  1. I still think Skip gets a pass for next year because it is a de facto rebuilding year, then the 2014 season will be what decides his future. If Woolard is really retiring in 3 years things will start aligning at that point. There will be less of a buyout, he will have been given more than a fair shot to show his abilities and if the Woolard retirement is true the guy who gave Holtz his extension will be transitioning things to the replacement.

    I hope to be proved wrong and get to take pics of the UHaul van on December 3rd but I feel it's 2 more years.

    I hope USF doesn't expect fans to show up if holtz is here 2 more years.

  2. I emailed them all as well, Doug, Judy, My ticket rep, Bill, Joe who handles Big Donors. Only one to respond EVER is my Ticket Rep, If it were not for him I would Immediatly stop spending money on USF. He is the only one that seems to care about the Customers(which all of us are). Yes its about more than being a customer but people need to start realizing this is a Huge Business and start treating it that way. USF is a very poorly run Buisness from the Athletic side.

    Doug has failed and should be held accountable, Skip needs to be fired as well, this should happen prior to the end of the season so we can start the search before alot of others are in the market for a new head coach. Why wait until everyone else is looking? Price goes up, candidates become less avail. Be proactive not reactive for once USF.

    The fact nobody but your rep replied back isn't shocking. USF athletics needs a top down overhaul. I've always been happy with my ticket rep, even my new one since mike stuben left.

  3. My dad already decided to drop his. Although, it has a lot to do with me graduating in the spring. Still though, that will be 4 less tickets accounted for in 114 and my spot in the student section as well.

    Before anyone says a single word, my dad has literally nothing to do with USF besides me attending school here. Yet, he has had season tickets for 4 seasons and makes the 2+ hour drive to nearly every home game each season. If only our actual alumni cared as much.

    I appreciate his 4 years of being a season ticket holder.

  4. So IF we keep Skip but by some miracle we join the ACC or Big 12 are you all still dropping your tickets? I'm not going to debate the point with you back and forth (do what you want) I just think this philosophy is very short sighted and is a prime example of how much our fan base does not understand the inner workings of college athletics. I HATE the Gators but they are a prime example - they SUCKED for years and years. To this day their athetic department sites the fact that their fan base continually supported them in ticket sales and donations EVEN WHEN THEY WERE BAD as the PRIMARY reason they were evntually able to establish themselves as the power they are now.And that transformation took decades. No - I don't want to wait that long but if our fan base has the wrong phiolosophy we will wait even longer.

    Coming off a 3 win season, Playing the likes of McNesse St, FAU , Miami, OOC and our conference schedule which should be Temple, Cincy, Louisville (if they are still in the conference and we stay on same roation) , Look to see Tickets sales drop in half easily. Why wouldnt the average fan (non donor) not just buy the games they want on stubhub for 3-5 bucks instead of paying alot more only to be stuck with them when they dont attend?

    Not the kind of schedule that makes you want to run out to buy season tickets.

    I think you missed jjlove's point. It's the investment in the future, probably not near future, but future none-the-less that builds the program. Unfortunately I think it's alumni fans as much as yearly fans that have to buy into that investment agenda.

    It's a tough decision when you don't see any reason. I think it's like the stock market, you either gotta be in it for the long run or be a day trader. Instant gratification or a vision of where you want to be in 15 - 20 years.

    It's hard to see a bright future when your ad and head football coach are ripping off the university and bringing the program down. If we were heading in the right direction I'd agree with you, but we are so poorly run its laughable. If USF was a true business the stock holders wouldn't be investing they'd be selling

  5. As a football program, if we ever needed a booster to step up now couldn't be a better or more vital time.

    WHY WOULD A BOOSTER WRITE A CHECK WITH THE IDIOT THAT gave holtz extension still in place to blow the dough

    I agree, why bump up your donation when the money is being wasted! The majority of our teams fail to be successful under poor coaching, yet no changes are made. How can our football and baseball teams suck sooooo bad, especially since we are in Florida. I'm not expecting national championships, but we should be going to bowl games and getting further in other tournaments.

  6. USF athletics is so poorly run its no longer painful, just laughable. Next years attendance is going to be pathetic and I honestly cannot see how they think holtz will turn things around? I can no longer defend USF when my friends ask why holtz is still around. Holtz would be fired at pretty much any other university...not USF

  7. Cincinnati is 482 feet above sea level... has anyone analyzed how that might affect our passing game? Anyone?

    lol! on a not joking side, weather as of now in Cincinnati is 52 for a day time high and 25 for a night time low. i'm going to assume game time temp will be in the low to mid 40s, and we all know how USF plays in cold weather...

    We can't win in perfect weather either, so I don't think the weather will have much influence in the outcome

  8. with Doug, Skip, and Judy conducting. Get this:

    Boise State, San Diego State and BYU have had conversations with Mountain West membership about the possibility of returning to the league, sources told ESPN.

    These talks originated after last week's decision in Denver by the BCS commissioners awarded an automatic access bowl berth to the highest rated champion to the "Group of Five" conferences. That decision, in essence, put the Mountain West on equal footing as far as playoff access with the Big East starting in 2014.

    Sources said Monday those talks are expected to bring on greater significance after Maryland announced it was leaving the ACC for the Big Ten. ESPN reported Rutgers will announce it's leaving the Big East on Tuesday so the Big East will lose Rutgers and then potentially either UConn or Louisville to the ACC.

    Our conference is crumbling. Some better get Aresco on the red emergency phone pronto!!!

    we're F'ed.

    This has already been refuted on many sites. No BE team has spoken to MWC. They are all in with the BE (quote from presidents).

    Are you kidding me?!?! When is the last time you heard a President or AD be honest when questioned about conference realignment?

    If there is one person you don't listen to when moves are being made it a university president.

    Yeah I guess they have as much knowledge as some of the beer gut fans on this board pissing and moaning about one thing or another.

    You didn't understand what he was saying. He's not saying they don't know what's going on, it's just they lie

  9. with Doug, Skip, and Judy conducting. Get this:

    Boise State, San Diego State and BYU have had conversations with Mountain West membership about the possibility of returning to the league, sources told ESPN.

    These talks originated after last week's decision in Denver by the BCS commissioners awarded an automatic access bowl berth to the highest rated champion to the "Group of Five" conferences. That decision, in essence, put the Mountain West on equal footing as far as playoff access with the Big East starting in 2014.

    Sources said Monday those talks are expected to bring on greater significance after Maryland announced it was leaving the ACC for the Big Ten. ESPN reported Rutgers will announce it's leaving the Big East on Tuesday so the Big East will lose Rutgers and then potentially either UConn or Louisville to the ACC.

    Our conference is crumbling. Some better get Aresco on the red emergency phone pronto!!!

    we're F'ed.

    This has already been refuted on many sites. No BE team has spoken to MWC. They are all in with the BE (quote from presidents).

    I don't believe anything until its finalized.

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