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Posts posted by Sipher

  1. during that whole exchange all I was thinking is why is New England not calling a timeout to stop the clock.  Right after that miracle catch I said to my friend since they have timeouts clearly you give the ball to Lynch 4 times if needed to get the 4 yards.  I almost saw it happen before it did when he dropped back to pass.


    Good for that young kid on New England.  he was completely speechless, i think he has no idea he is going to go down as a hero is one of the (hate to admit this) best sports towns in this country.  They are still cheaters though.  Watch the conspiracy theorist come out and say Julian Edelman didnt pass his concussion test on the sideline.  and I will be right there to agree, guy looked like he got hit my Tyson with a bare knuckle.  Cheaters.  lol

    You are like a dog with a bone!

  2. Eh.. it's debatable. Marshawn has had 5 attempts at the 1 yd line this season and only succeeded once. That is definitely not a shoe in. 


    What I'm surprised people are not talking about is the fact that the throw should have been to the back shoulder, instead of leading the receiver. Anyways, none of us are coaches or players, it's easy for fans to say what SHOULD have happened. 


    Plus, a game is not over until the clock htis zero as recently shown by the NFC Championship game 2 weeks ago. ;)

  3. http://offthemonster.com/2015/01/nfl-releases-statement-investigation-hasnt-found-any-answers/


    This is all I will post for you. I am sure you will dismiss it and whatnot. But fact is, the NFL did not find any evidence after a lengthy investigation and all the cameras rolling during the game.




    Well, I feel like I am putting forth good, reasonable posts on this topic. But it seems like you guys don't like what I'm saying because "I am blind" or something. I also just noticed I got -1 rep on a post I spent a good amount of time on, and felt like I was having a civil discussion. 


    Well, good day to you all. I don't really see a reason in returning to this thread. I said my piece.


    I'll take a stab and say that the most vociferous combatants with you in here are Jets and Fins fans ... Not going to get a whole lot of objectivity.  ;)



    What? No love for Buffalo fans?


    My best friend is a Bills fan! We always get together for the 2 games each season.

  4. Well, I feel like I am putting forth good, reasonable posts on this topic. But it seems like you guys don't like what I'm saying because "I am blind" or something. I also just noticed I got -1 rep on a post I spent a good amount of time on, and felt like I was having a civil discussion. 


    Well, good day to you all. I don't really see a reason in returning to this thread. I said my piece.

  5. The refs DID catch it. Watch the video below that shows the refs replacing the ball on the patriot's first possession of the 2nd half.



    Yep, I saw that. I was watching the game. I meant catch it before the game. I find it hard to believe someone could have tampered with the balls during the game (with all the cameras that are rolling). And the refs are supposed to be in possession of the balls for the period of 2.5 hours prior to the game until the game starts.


    So the only way I see this getting passed is if the refs didn't check the pressure of the balls when the Patriots gave it to them at 2.5 hours before the game. Do we know for sure if the refs checked all 12 balls when they were handed to them? I suppose that's one of the items that will be addressed with the investigation.




    If it makes life so much easier, why not underinflate ALL of them???

    The one that wasn't under inflated was the kicking ball. You want that one to be fully inflated.


    Nope. There are 6 separate balls for the kicking ball. By the way, Aaron Rodgers likes to overinflate his footballs. Big whoop.


    In my opinon, this should not even be an issue. This is on the officials not catching it. On a broader scale, I think the rule is stupid. If you are going to let team pick their own balls, then let the quarterbacks have it as they like them. Otherwise, the NFL should be providing ALL the balls. 


    This is such a stupid topic and debate. Let's talk football okay?



    Blame the victim


    Wouldn't the victim be the Colts? The officials are law enforcement, at least that's how I see things.


    And I'm not absolving the Patriots. But, I will be waiting for the results of the official investigation before I start prosecuting them.


    If it makes life so much easier, why not underinflate ALL of them???

    The one that wasn't under inflated was the kicking ball. You want that one to be fully inflated.


    Nope. There are 6 separate balls for the kicking ball. By the way, Aaron Rodgers likes to overinflate his footballs. Big whoop.


    In my opinon, this should not even be an issue. This is on the officials not catching it. On a broader scale, I think the rule is stupid. If you are going to let team pick their own balls, then let the quarterbacks have it as they like them. Otherwise, the NFL should be providing ALL the balls. 


    This is such a stupid topic and debate. Let's talk football okay?





    I'm pretty sure most people that have brought up the deflating of the balls don't believe that is the reason why they beat the Colts. It's just pointing out that they are still trying to undermine the rules of the game to get a competitive advantage, which is something they have been proven to do before on several occasions...



    Even if they did deflate the balls Goodell will just destroy the evidence, anyway. 

    My point is that it is a joke "charge," it seems like people are just trying to come up with any excuse to say the Patriots are cheating. 


    I personally think its HIGHLY suspect that the origin of this claim comes from the Indy player who caught the interception and then brought it over to his sideline for the coaches to look at since he felt like it was somewhat deflated. For two reasons:

    1) I trust officials to have a better feel of a ball (who are constantly having to place it on the field) than a linebacker who barely ever touches the ball. I would think the official would notice if it felt deflated.

    2) It was on the Colts sideline for who knows how long before it was even brought to the officials, who knows if THEY tampered with it.


    Also, name the "several" other occasions please. As far as I know there is the one "spygate," which has been a practice many teams followed but one got busted for. If you are using that article that was earlier posted, then it's a joke because I saw no sources as to where he got that information. There were no official investigations into those claims. 





    Please post proof that any other teams were doing spy gate activities. There was video evidence of what NE was doing and the commissioner destroyed those tapes so no one could see how egregious the violation actually was. It wouldn't look good for the league if it was revealed that a team systematically cheated their opponents for years. 


    You got it:


    2006 Dolphinshttp://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2696227

    2007 Jetshttp://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3151217

    2010 Broncoshttp://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81c7301a/article/tape-of-49ers-practice-draws-50k-fines-for-broncos-mcdaniels

    2011 Jetshttp://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/11/photo-of-jets-employee-with-sideline-camera-creates-stir/


    Also, you are purely speculating as to the reasoning of him destroying it. You can make an argument that the league is trying to bring down the Patriots to encourage more parity. Especially considering how harshly the Patriots were treated compared to the above teams. Here's an interesting read if you have the time: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/199345-the-truth-about-spygate-punishing-success-and-promoting-parity


    I hope you realize that the only one of those that was illegal conduct was Denver 2010, by none other than Josh McDaniels. The same Josh McDaniels that as an assistant that learned from Belicheat, and is now back with the patriots.


    Also the 2007 Jets, while not illegal and different from filming on the sideline, happened under another coach who worked under Belicheat when they were winning superbowls...


    I hope you realize that the practice you call "cheating" was perfectly legal prior to 2007. It was just before the start of the 2007 season that Goodell sent out a memo to the 32 teams saying this practice wasn't allowed anymore. And guess what, it was the first week of the season they got caught continuing the practice. They stopped doing it after that.


    Prior to the "spygate" scandal, the Pats had a 53% winning percentage, and after that it is about 77%. Sorry, bud, it had nothing to do with winning superbowls.


    And all of those articles are "spying." EVERY team does what they can to get an edge (just like every corporation). And if you don't see that, then you are surprisingly naive, and you sound like you are being puposefully so just because of the name "Belichick". I get it, he's an abrasive guy, you wanna hate.


    It's pretty dang funny the Patriots are still getting grief over this. Meanwhile, the Saints had the scandal with TARGETTING players and having a hit system. That is far worse than any "spying" in my opinion.


    Also, go ahead and do your own research about other teams cheating. I just pulled up those articles of 2 minutes of googling.

    • Downvote 1


    I'm pretty sure most people that have brought up the deflating of the balls don't believe that is the reason why they beat the Colts. It's just pointing out that they are still trying to undermine the rules of the game to get a competitive advantage, which is something they have been proven to do before on several occasions...



    Even if they did deflate the balls Goodell will just destroy the evidence, anyway. 

    My point is that it is a joke "charge," it seems like people are just trying to come up with any excuse to say the Patriots are cheating. 


    I personally think its HIGHLY suspect that the origin of this claim comes from the Indy player who caught the interception and then brought it over to his sideline for the coaches to look at since he felt like it was somewhat deflated. For two reasons:

    1) I trust officials to have a better feel of a ball (who are constantly having to place it on the field) than a linebacker who barely ever touches the ball. I would think the official would notice if it felt deflated.

    2) It was on the Colts sideline for who knows how long before it was even brought to the officials, who knows if THEY tampered with it.


    Also, name the "several" other occasions please. As far as I know there is the one "spygate," which has been a practice many teams followed but one got busted for. If you are using that article that was earlier posted, then it's a joke because I saw no sources as to where he got that information. There were no official investigations into those claims. 





    Please post proof that any other teams were doing spy gate activities. There was video evidence of what NE was doing and the commissioner destroyed those tapes so no one could see how egregious the violation actually was. It wouldn't look good for the league if it was revealed that a team systematically cheated their opponents for years. 


    You got it:


    2006 Dolphinshttp://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2696227

    2007 Jetshttp://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3151217

    2010 Broncoshttp://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81c7301a/article/tape-of-49ers-practice-draws-50k-fines-for-broncos-mcdaniels

    2011 Jetshttp://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/11/photo-of-jets-employee-with-sideline-camera-creates-stir/


    Also, you are purely speculating as to the reasoning of him destroying it. You can make an argument that the league is trying to bring down the Patriots to encourage more parity. Especially considering how harshly the Patriots were treated compared to the above teams. Here's an interesting read if you have the time: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/199345-the-truth-about-spygate-punishing-success-and-promoting-parity

  10. I'm pretty sure most people that have brought up the deflating of the balls don't believe that is the reason why they beat the Colts. It's just pointing out that they are still trying to undermine the rules of the game to get a competitive advantage, which is something they have been proven to do before on several occasions...



    Even if they did deflate the balls Goodell will just destroy the evidence, anyway. 

    My point is that it is a joke "charge," it seems like people are just trying to come up with any excuse to say the Patriots are cheating. 


    I personally think its HIGHLY suspect that the origin of this claim comes from the Indy player who caught the interception and then brought it over to his sideline for the coaches to look at since he felt like it was somewhat deflated. For two reasons:

    1) I trust officials to have a better feel of a ball (who are constantly having to place it on the field) than a linebacker who barely ever touches the ball. I would think the official would notice if it felt deflated.

    2) It was on the Colts sideline for who knows how long before it was even brought to the officials, who knows if THEY tampered with it.


    Also, name the "several" other occasions please. As far as I know there is the one "spygate," which has been a practice many teams followed but one got busted for. If you are using that article that was earlier posted, then it's a joke because I saw no sources as to where he got that information. There were no official investigations into those claims. 

  11. sourgrapes 


    you guys really buy that deflate ball stuff



    Agreed. So much hate towards the Patriots. Success breeds jealousy.


    I am biased though.. born and raised 30 minutes from Foxboro. I'd like to think even if I wasn't, I don't have a hive mind that likes to jump on these silly ideas and try to justify why the Patriots are successful enough seemingly every year to be in Super Bowl contention.



    USF had, arguably, its best season under Holtz.


    Thats not even remotely true.  Not arguable at all.  2010 isn't even the same boat as 2007.  I can easily make arguments for 2008 and 2009 being better years as well. 



    Holtz had the best USF season in the last five, and that isn't even an argument.


    That's excluding all of Leavitt's years. Leviathon's point was that USF arguably had its best season under Holtz. 


    I'd call the 2010 season the 5th or 6th best season USF has had in its short history. Nowhere close to the best season USF football has had.

  13. WTF??


    Since when is 6'9" / 235 considered "extremely undersized" ???

    If he really is 6'9, then okay.. probably just undersized, instead of extremely undersized. But I'm very traditional I guess. 6'10 AT LEAST for a true center, preferably 6'11.


    All of this is a moot point anyways. All reports I've read mentions him as a power forward.


    Not gonna touch those anymore... You just seem to be argumentative for the sake of it, and do not like to understand a point.


    About the game, I'm stuck at work. How's the crowd looking? I know someone said it looked sparse at the beginning of the game.


    I was told that only the best program has young blue chip players. That doesn't seem to be the case.


    24-16 Seton Hall.  And the crowd looks better than Ga Southern


    Ah okay. I misunderstood, I thought you were referring to a post I made earlier, my mistake. 

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