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Posts posted by redfisher78

  1. Wow hopefully if he goes you can show him how to spray paint the Bull logo 10 minutes before the game like it looks like you do.  Funny you talk about cow country when your mascot is a bull.   My source is on his twitter it says going to the Ville this weekend with Eli.  Then again I know you dont believe anything I say so I will post here after his visit or maybe I should have him call you.  If he does visit USF make sure you stay far away doubt the USF coaches want him to meet a dumb azz USF fan like yourself.

    Dude take it easy. You are on our board, no need to disrespect us.

  2. All of these young men are gonna start considering USF, if they haven't already. Some will love us, others may not, but I say, let's not shut the door on any of them. I think each one of them deserves our attention and people who can't see that, aren't really USF fans.

    You'd kind of hope that train of thought would hold true for ALL our recruits  ... you know, like not making snide comments about drunk qb's in the huddle and such.   ::)

    I have never made a "snide" comment about a drunk QB in a huddle.

    Dude, NO WAY he is the starter next year,

    Who replaces him, Stevie(drunk in the huddle) Weatherford? Maybe BJ in a further departure from sanity? Jamius who looks big and strong but will have his own growing pains? WHO????????



  3. he comes on an athletics board and talks about academics. goes to show you how bad ucf athletics are when the only comeback he has is about academics

    UCF has pulled away plenty from USF this year in recruiting head to head.  The occassional 2 year Juco only means bandaids and breathmints as far as plugging holes on a team.  Ask our former coach.  We used to get all these 4 star guys, go look at our 2002 class.  All that gets you is a chocolate yoo hoo and the St. Pete bowl.   

    Wait, your arguement is that you are recruiting better than us, because its bad to get 4 star recruits?

    2 star recruits that turn out great are exceptions not rules. Its as stupid as the argument that 40 time doesnt matter in the nfl because sometimes slow players turn out good

    This is another delusional UCF fan, living in fantasy land. These type of arguments are to be expected.

  4. he comes on an athletics board and talks about academics. goes to show you how bad ucf athletics are when the only comeback he has is about academics

    UCF has pulled away plenty from USF this year in recruiting head to head.  The occassional 2 year Juco only means bandaids and breathmints as far as plugging holes on a team.  Ask our former coach.  We used to get all these 4 star guys, go look at our 2002 class.  All that gets you is a chocolate yoo hoo and the St. Pete bowl.   

    UTEP 58-UCF 13. I think were done here.

  5. Sincerely, 

      The academic school.


    I kid, I kid. :ROFLMAO


    It funny this ate at this guy so much he had to come over here and make a comment. Suffer through you terrible football team, your terrible coach, and your terrible recruiting class. We just keep pulling away from you guys. Its amazing how little you all have done for such a long period of time.

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