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Posts posted by Herman_Momart

  1. Oh he scored the last shot?  Must make him a prolific scorer.  

    He is like a poor mans Andre Miller.  Smooth and controlled game but cant really penetrate and create for himself or anyone else.  he has that one 10 assist game which keeps his stats up, but by the end he may average more turnovers than assists.  I agree with ari, we really have no quick first step guards, hopefully holmes is going to be our guy, if he stays out of trouble.  

    We'll see, he reminds me more of a guy that hasn't played in two years.

    Yea i agree, you can see he is a good ball player, but something is up.  Either he is cared to play on his knee, maybe nervous, maybe rusty.  But I hear he is a real gym rat and practices harder than anyone on the team, you gotta love that in a player.  

  2. can't win on the road.

    not a big fan of chris howard or boozeman..

    sorry -- neither can score the basketball.

    didn't howard score the last shot for us?  but yeah, he can't score.

    Oh he scored the last shot?  Must make him a prolific scorer.  

    He is like a poor mans Andre Miller.  Smooth and controlled game but cant really penetrate and create for himself or anyone else.  he has that one 10 assist game which keeps his stats up, but by the end he may average more turnovers than assists.  I agree with ari, we really have no quick first step guards, hopefully holmes is going to be our guy, if he stays out of trouble.  

  3. Tough loss, but we cant lose these games.  I hate to break it to everyone but st. johns was playing without their best player by far, Daryl "showtime" Hill.  They also scheduled us in Queens and not msg which is like a high school gym if you have ever been there. Wouldnt say its the most electrifying arena or gym for that matter.   Will we win a road conference game in mac regime? so far the answer is no.  

  4. Wow.  Outrunner, if you read my post and understand it, i said I do see improvement in the mac tenure here (its hard not to improve)  But i see no improvement from 10 years ago.  Sure its not hard to improve from 1-16 in conference but the university of south florida basketball PROGRAM has not improved in the last 10 years.  It has pretty much stayed the same.  sure you can argue how its a little better or a little worse but there is no signifigant difference.  

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing day in and day out and expecting different results.  Something different has to be done for us to achieve noticeable success.  Sure, we have seen improvements we have also seen regressing, but we still are ignored as a basketball program by the nation.  We beat ND and the only press we got, nationally, was digger phelps saying ND lost to south florida (in a disgusted tone).  

    No one will take us seriously until we seriously committ to winning.  Step outside the box for once.  

    herm - hoping one day usf baskeball will make it on the map.  

  5. Reminds me of the dr pepper commercial... I want it all... I want it now.

    That should be their theme song .... and considering who sings it, it makes it even more appropriate.  ::)

    Yeah, I suppose making the conference tournament (i.e. finishing in the top 12......ooooh-la-la) could be classified as "wanting it all."


    Way to show your reading comprehension... Herm said we should win every home game no matter what.  Forget that we play in the toughest conference out there and are coming off a 1-15 campaign, 1-7 at home.  

    HAHAHA...talk about reading comprehension???? Go back to my post velcro and show me where i wrote we should win every home game no matter what??? Now i see why you get so mad you have selective reading or maybe cant read at all.  To reiterate, my point is no one else isn the country is roting for a winning home conference record.  Wow, you went to usf?  the university of south florida???  You will do anything to disagree, i think if i said mac wore a nice suit last night you would think i said Mac beat up a 12 year old.  You are too much my friend.  

  6. Progression?  Compared to what the last 4 years?  Yes, I know there is progress.  But if i remember correctly with greenburg we were always rooting or in the chase to even make the NCAA tourney, given he never got us there because he wasnt a good coach (at usf), but we could see it.  USF fans once camped out to watch a basketball game, we cheered in the hope to get into the big dance, now we are cheering to have a winning record at home conference games and make our conference tournamant (some of you just to say lets keep the coach).  I dont care what division we are in to me that is not progress, maybe since our new coach has gotten here we have improved in his tenure (hard not to) but progress as a university as a whole, no sir my friends.  They used to talk about us on espn.  That shoud tell you enough.  but go ahead a team on on the guy who is just giving it to you the way it is.  

    BullDoug - you dont have to ask me how many post season appearances we have been in. I am reminded of our settlement for mediocracy everytime i go into the sundome and see the NIT banners.  The only school in the country that hangs NIT BANNERS.  But hey keep shooting for the stars.  I dont want it all, but i want something more than the NIT aka (Not In the Tournament)

  7. I hate to be a jerk, well not really, but honestly it not a good sign for ANY program to be hoping to get a winning conference record AT HOME, it should almost be a given.  How about a winning conference record.  

    fans at other big conference schools dont wish for a winning home conference record.  sorry to inform you.  

    Routing just to make your conference tournament is bad enough.  But even i have stooped this low.

    go bulls - msg or bust.  

  8. I dont watch TV on my computer.  

    Then simply learn a bit of technology, hook an S-video cable up to your computer and send it through the imput jack on your TV.  Wala, the BULLS on your TV.  Or are you a purist and you dont want no stinking cables having to be hooked up to your TV? Rabit ears only eh?


    Rabbit ears, no.  But I would have to pay someone to do that on my laptop or computer.  Sorry dont have that kind of time.  The game should simply be on the tee vee

  9. You would think with a Big east basketball team in your town the local stations would play every game.  Especially the ones against ranked opponents.  but hey i grew up in the big city, where $8 gets you 15 minutes in a parking garage, but what do i know.  

    Bulliever did they have automobiles up in ohia when you was a lil boy?

    hey trip did florida have those boxes that make cold air when you were a little cracker?  

    small town minds cant mess with herm :)

  10. We should beat St johns.  They are still rebuilding.  there best player is a walkon and Anthony masons kid.  I hope that game is on TV.

    we should beat them soley  for disrespecting us and playing us at aluni hall and not at MSG.  Its a kick in the nuts if you ask me.  They play teams like Niagra, Queens College and CUNY schools there.  Hell even Hofstra gets scheduled to play at msg or at least nassau colisuem.  Mac should use this as firing power.  Disrespect us on the road and we will crush you.  

    Go Bulls

    Herm - former st johns fan.  

  11. Oh -- sorry.

    I forgot i needed to watch out for the board resident "censor."

    You can delete that comment too.

    You see your comment there Bulliever?  Do i ever say anything to you.  Never!  You always pop shots at me.

    I just like to talk to the other guys and you just always have to poke in.

    I am sure you will delete this post like you have already deleted other ones today.

    Its an obsession he has.  Loves to chime in about basketball games but hasnt seen a game since 1974.  Come out east bulliever.  Sit through as many losing games as us fans and see what kind of perspective you have.  The ones who are so pro-mac never go to the games, besides velcro, but he would do Mac laundry for free if allowed.  :)

    herm - just a friend.  

  12. Now your putting up pictures with guys with no shirts on.  You know there was always the rumor, but I always said if i had to put the bank account on it I would bet not gay, but now, im betting gay.  :)

    Guys the darkside people arent about the "I told you so" we are about what it takes to recruit and win in the big east.   You make it like we dont want to win.  Which makes you sound dumb.  This is the 1st home game i missed all year and probably about the 20th in tens years (in and out of conference), can you say the same shoop?  I know you stayed home to watch some nascar some nights.  

    Great win for the Bulls, i enjoy it as much as the next if not more.  

    Herm - not anti-mac just pro usf basketball.  

  13. The key to the Bulls success is if I do not go to the games then they win.  happens all the time with every team i like.  

    Good job mac,  we will make sportscenter tonight!!

    Then don't go to any more games... and we'll win out our last 3 home games.

    Not possible, but if we lose Syracuse, i'll consider it.  

    Question for Trip:  Do you think they counted you in the attendance count ? Or did you leave at halftime to beat the rush.  :)

  14. No doubt you could see potential ast year.  The kids athletic ability is ridiculous , he jumps out of the gym.  but they way he has been playing the past few games is way better than he has ever played.  He takes over the game on offense and defense, when last year when he had signs improving it was usually on defense and dunking.  

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