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  1. I'm thinking, at least in the case of the Harris poll, that the voters don't know the difference between the two schools yet. The thing is this.. If you beat a top10 Louisville team then turn around and lose to some rather questionable squads, voters aren't going to take any of it seriously. USF has had a remarkable season, but its been riddled with streaky play making it tough to judge. Also, whether its warranted or not, people look at the fact that USF's ass whooping on UCF took place early in the season during the 0-17 streak. UCF turned things around dramatically, and has stayed that way. People see a team that is pulling things together, then turn around and see a USF team loss a coaching battle with friggin' UConn. Yeah.. Leavitt for coach of the year... Righhht.. Play tough against WV and no one will be able to write it all off as a fluke. Play WV and get your ass handed to you.. then.. well.. heh.. Wear your "New Temple" crown proudly... Anyway.. This is a statement weekend for both schools.
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