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Posts posted by GetAHobby

  1. Bull****.  Ponton could give two craps about being suspended. If you've seen his body language on the sidelines (and I have, I've watched him very closely), he's shown zero remorse about his suspension, at least publicly.  I could be wrong or misinterpreting him, but he doesn't really seem to care all that much.

    Don't think its a matter of being remorseful, its a matter of he has to go out there and prove something...I think either way you look at it he is going to come out there and perform. If he is pissed off at the school/team for suspending him for that long, then he is going to go out and run all over people because he wants to show everyone what they missed out on that past 6 games. I think he will be less of a factor if he is pissed off at himself, but still will want to go out there and make it up to his team.

  2. I think he will be running with something to prove. He wants to show everyone what the team has been missing. I don’t think he will be flat, just because he has already lost so much, its make up time. He is going to make people from here on out wish that he was still out, he might be looking for people to run over….I have had to sit out games due to disciplinary reasons, and when you come back you want to make it count and prove yourself. Being out gets you more fired up. This wasn’t for football, but still think it applies for sports of high intensity.

  3. So is that FSU/playboy girl going to all of your games now?  I read about the missed flight being the reason for the FIU game....but there she is again.

    Well done.

    Her parents are season ticket holders, and have been from day 1...I think she has been to 2 of 3 home games now, that I know of.

  4. Yep, there's always more to the story.  

    I provided the entire story. They said that I was threatening people by standing up and telling them to cheer for the third down. According to him, you are allowed to stand, curse, cheer, but not allowed to turn around. This is wrong on many levels. This is why I posted this as well as filing a compliant with the HCSO. Like I said before, my father is a retired police officer, I have great respect for law enforcement, but in any profession there are people that are incompetent, and in the case of those working the USF/Raymond James detail that is what happened.

  5. I am a in contact with the HCSO as to explain the sitituation and have some more insight as to their policies. As soon as I get word as to what they have to say about it I will be sure to update everyone.

    I will say this, being the true Bull that I am, after leaving the stadium (being escorted out and into the parking lot) I walked around the other side of the staduim, got myself another ticket and watched the remainder of the game in the student section.

  6. I would rather have mall securtity work the USF games then these bunch of yahoos. If they find watching a college football game that awfull then they should request not to work that detail, but most of these guys just have a miserable time working it and they take it out on the fans.

    I was kicked out within 5 min. of the game starting for standing and cheering while we were on defense. Nothing more then that, I sit with my Dad a retired police officer, my mother a school teacher and my girlfriend. Its not like we are a group of people that don't respect authority or are overly roudey.

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