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Posts posted by SkypointBull

  1. Lee Constantine is like that kid that lived next door to you growing up. He was a real douche but your mom made you play with him anyways because none of the other kids in the neighborhood would play with him.

    Hey Lee get a grip A Hole. The game will played if both sides want to. Until then sit back and take your ass whipping.

    From today's activity on this thread:

    This is what happens when the kid that's a douche finds out that everyone in his neighborhood thinks he's a douche.

  2. Lee Constantine is like that kid that lived next door to you growing up. He was a real douche but your mom made you play with him anyways because none of the other kids in the neighborhood would play with him.

    Hey Lee get a grip A Hole. The game will played if both sides want to. Until then sit back and take your ass whipping.

  3. woooohooooo cant wait to see who we beat this year.

    Then sit your ass at home.

    The season hasn't started yet. We are allready deeper then we were last year at almost every position. They are going to Italy and getting 2 extra weeks of practice and games.

    I am not saying we will be in the top ten in the big east, but we will be better.

    And if we are not better, then Doug will address a possible coaching at that time.

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