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Posts posted by gurlybull

  1. Again, we can't see most of the other students....

    We did not take our keys out until 1:30 left, I was flipping out, so I whipped mine out...even some of the studs were telling me to wait a little bit, but who cares...I WANTED THEM TO LEAVE before something else bad happened.

    As far as the wave goes, the studs didn't start it once that whole game, unless I was in the bathroom.  We were just doing everything we could to stay pepped up while faced with losing to FIU...

    Thanks for the positive comments, we do the best we can.

    Thanks...NOW LET IT DIE....PLEASE!!!

  2. Fine, since you have a place to judge us, let's make some judgements the other way...

    1. Don't judge other fans


    3. When you see us cheering, join in.  We are starting traditions...try some on for size so that the whole stadium looks coordinated.  We can't see, or hear the kids on the other end of our endzone, so take it upon yourself to join and we will follow you.

    4. Don't give up on your team, ever. Not a SINGLE BeefStud left until that whole game was over...I cannot say the same about half the students and a lot of the "PAY" seats.

    5. The endzone would not have been empty for the wave if all of ya'll hadn't left.

    6. We stuck that game out and stayed in it, through some rain and A LOT of heat...if we finally pull ahead and we WANT to do the wave, or jossle our keys around, then LEAVE US ALONE. At least we are there and still cheering for our own team instead of the one that should have won. You kill excitement when you boss us around.

    7. DO you think that when we start to sell out the Ray Jay, which will happen in the future, that EVERY single fan will be coordinated, quiet when you want them to be, or anything else you've demanded.  NO, and half of them will be bandwagon fans, STOP CRITICIZING the TRUE fans, we are doing the best we can.  SOME HELP would be nice instead of us ALWAYS having to defend ourselves. There will probably even be a time where I don't even get seats because I can't make as big of a donation as the next guy who has never even been to a game before...

    8. I agree about the BS chant, but again, at least they are into the game at all.

    9. I would LOVE to walk up and down the isles of the paying seats or up into club access and have random people sing me the entire Alma Mater....VERY FEW people know it.  NOW, I happen to be one of the ones that does, but we are learning.  The BeefSTuds has 36 new freshmen, so they are learning all of this stuff.  Give them a break and support them or else they will turn into stuffy, alumni who LEAVE EARLY from the games because they don't care! They used to have those words on the screen and they need to bring that back so that ALL the attendees can learn it.

    10. We had a decent season last year, more and more people are coming out that DON'T know what they are supposed to do.  There are more freshmen than I have ever seen.  I used to know everyone in my section, and I now I can't even keep track of the BeefStuds...I AM SO HAPPY that the student section has been full for 2 supposed to be sucky teams, that I don't care if they were all doing the Macarena the whole time.  Stop being SO **** DESTRUCTIVE.

    10. We are there, WE CARE, ENOUGH BASHING of each other.  THIS IS SOOOO NOT WORTH IT!  

    We should trying to get as many fans as possible, only now we are just being picky about the ones we DO HAVE!

  3. When did we ever start a chant going Beefstuds.  The only chant we do is OH WE OH...GOOOO BULLS.  OH WE OH GOOOOO Bulls.  Seriously, leave us alone...lets talk about all the fans that gave up and left when we missed on the 4th down and 3.  Cuz most of the students stayed.  This is getting really old guys...They come to us....we didnt seek her out.  If it brings our school attention then GOOD FOR US.  ..and with the way we are playing, there will be No rise in the football program, so at least we are getting recognized for something.   LET IT GO, we are ALL HERE FOR THE SAME THING!!  

  4. OK, drumroll please!!!  We have 23 Beefstuds, thats right 23 who will be painting up and getting rowdy as USF kills UCF next Saturday in O-town!!  We are in the FRONT 2 ROWS of Section 102, in the LOWER LEVEL  next to the band!!  We will have tons of signage and will be working to get everyone pepped up!  COME LOUD AND PROUD, you know we will!!  AS ALWAYS, GO BULLS!!!!!

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  5. The Cheerleaders were awesome last night...I loved how they included the students in their chants.

    On Chicky's note about RoundUp, the Beefstuds actually painted President Genshaft, Doug Woolard, Provost Khator, Dr. meningall, and Student Body Prez and Vice Prez on stage in front of the whole crowd!  I am so excited about the amount of spirit this year.  Between the Bullies and the BeefStuds, we took up four whole rows!!  GOOOO BULLS!!

  6. Big Shoop: I appreciate you very much...  I can assure you that we are working very hard to break down those negative things which includes promoting a good relationship with other spirit groups and weeding out those douches who are only their for the glory.  While there are only one or two, I can assure you, they are the extreme minority and dont stick around for long!  

    That being said, it's only 6 hours till some bulls football!!!  WOOOOHOOO!!!

    GOOOOOOOOOO BULLLLLLLLSSSSSS!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) ;D ;D ;D ;D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) ::) ::) ::)

  7. U know I understand and I am PRO SBC and Studs, there will ALWAYS be people who only want publicity, but I can assure you, we are ALL BULLS FANS and that is what is important.  The Studs also have spirit booths outside of the stadium at every game as well.  ....and having been a member of SBC, we have had to beg people to go to them and it is usually Exec doing all the work....The Studs will be members of SBC this year and I hope we can work TOGETHER....we are ALL here for the SAME REASON!

  8. I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I think about the fact that someone who calls themself a Bulls Fan would dare have the nerve to call out ANYONE who wants to support our school.  My name is Brittany and I am on the Executive Board of the Beefstuds as WELL AS a paying member of Student Bulls Club.   Let me tell you something about the BeefStuds, we work hard and are OBSESSED with with our Bulls.  We do everything we can to promote, support, and uplift our players and our fans.  SO WHAT if he mispronounced ONE name of a player who hasn't even played one cent of football in a real game yet!  I don't know which BeefStud it was, but when I see them all today at our tailgate which will be at 6 hours before the game starts to help pass out beads to fans.... I can Promise you, I will find the kid who did it and THANK HIM for at least trying to promote our school.  

    WE WERE AT EVERY SINGLE FOOTBALL GAME LAST YEAR!  and we make it to as many other sporting events as possible.  It is easier to get to Football because they are once a week or every other week and they are on a Saturday.  Keep in mind we ARE STUDENTS, who have to take off work and put off class to be at these events.  We are not stuffy jerks who have nothing better to do than sit around and post ******** about people who are trying to be USF fans in their own way.  When basketball, soccer, baseball, and volleyball have three or four games a week, we can't make it to them all, especially during the school but we definetly try!  I guess it is hard for a group with a fan base of 50 students to cover an ENTIRE UNIVERSITY of SPORTING ACTIVITIES, so i guess you should maybe call out the other 40,000 students and however thousand alumni who sit around on their asses and do jack ****!!!!!!!!!

    TO the ******* who said people should keep their shirts on...let me explain to you where I was on Wednesday at 4:00pm.  I was in the Marshall Center trying to convince 36 new BeefStud members that they have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to worry about taking their shirts off and painting, that they should be comfortable, that no one will say anything to them or make them upset, that here at USF, we are all here to promote BullPRIDE and it doesn't matter if you are black, white, purple, skinny, fat, with two heads, and four hands, as long as they are ALL there for our BULLS!!  It is jerks LIKE YOU who make people question how spirited they want to be because they are worried about what YOU WILL THINK!  THAT is disgusting.


    In that meeting, I also promoted our wonderful little online BullsPen universe and talked about all the support we had from them, how they should all get on so they can learn more and keep up with news.  I HOPE TO GOD THAT NONE OF THEM ARE ON THIS BOARD BECAUSE IF I LOSE A SINGLE PERSON FROM GETTING EXCITED ABOUT THIS GAME BECAUSE OF something ONE of YOU SAID, IT WILL BE AN EXTREME SHAME.

    Up until this year, we have PAID FOR EVERYTHING, all paint, skirts, helmets, OUT OF POCKET.  THe average Stud setup for one game is about $30 which is a lot for a student.  We even threw a tailgate last year for the first game that drew 300 students and we paid for it as well.  

    Where was the glory and TV CAMERAS when we were at EVERY SINGLE new student orientation passing out flyers for the football games...which is more than SBC can say, where were they when we went to the Alumni Tailgate and tried to get you all pumped and excited for football, where were they last year when we got our butts handed to us time and time again at the basketball games, or when we took another load of crap from some of you for having a good time with the NC State fans at the bowl game, where is the fame and glory for the $300 plus dollars I have spent on decking my PERSONAL VEHICLE in USF gear.  I would say if anything I take more crap from people than GLORY as you call it.  They dont understand how we get so crazy for a school that athletically is not that good realistically.  I can tell you, paint takes a long time to put on, its uncomfortable, and it takes FOREVER and a day to take it all off, but it works.  It gets people excited when they see us, we get the players pumped up, and yes we draw attention, but i promise you if that was all we wanted, we would find a much easier, cooler, shorter method.  ...and here is a news flash, ATTENTION IS GOOD FOR OUR SCHOOL when you have season ticket holders sitting when there is a minute left in the game, or people who dont even know where South Florida is.  I would much rather have the camera on me than on some of the fans I see over there, sitting with there arms crossed, complaining about other fans and they way the look.   At least we cheer even if it is not the way YOU might want it.  As long as it is getting people excited, DO IT!  I don't care what it takes, we want to get people excited, for me its decking out my car, for our Studs, its paint.

    Maybe instead of calling out the dedicated and trying to plot us all against each other, ie: BeefStuds, Green and Gold Guys, and SBC, you should sit around and think up ways to get the other students and alumni to get there.

    NO PERSON WHO JUDGES A FAN WILL EVER BE A TRUE BULLS FAN IN MY BOOK...EVER!  One day, we will start winning in all sports, and when that happens, you are gonna see those 40,000 students and 80,000 alumni in the Tampa Bay area, and they will be at our games and support our school, but more IMPORTANTLY, the hardcore groups like SBC and BeefStuds WILL STILL BE THERE, we may be a little bigger, but we were there when NO ONE was winning, and THAT my friends shows love of a school.  To be there when they are at their worst.  Get off your high and mighty horse and go up to UF or FSU and call them out, because most of them know NOTHING about their school or its history.  Wait a second, you don't have to go that far, cuz there are students RIGHT NOW walking around on campus wearing gear for a school THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN TOO!  Why?  Because it's cool or brings them attention and glory to be at the "cool" school!  Some glory, being fans of a school that not a lot of people know about, that HAS NEVER WON a Championship, where the other fans just sit around and whine and complain....Maybe thats why UF and Miami have so many fans, cuz they accept ANYONE who supports them.  Maybe I will go support them....

    I guess there will always be losers who have nothing better to do than bring others down, it just sucks they CLAIM to be Bulls Fans and are on this board,

    but I guess thats just Reason #2763 why the BULLSPEN SUCKS!

    I have never in my life been more discouraged and disapointed.  I am just about ready to get off this stupid board for good, and you will have suffered a loss....


                                                                                 -Brittany Link

                                                                             BeefStuds Exec Board

                                                                          Student Bulls Club Member

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