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Posts posted by AndytheBull

  1. I've always thought they should do something special with the number 10. Chad Barnhart wore it(1st starting QB), of course Marquel wore it, and now Dorsey. One idea I have heard is to make it like 44 at Syracuse that its special to get, and another idea mentioned on here last week was to not let anyone wear 10 for 3 more years(the years Dorsey would have been here).

  2. he may be a  fine man and knowledgeable but  needs to raid some programs for coaching talent

    I dont even know why I am responding to this, but smazza, you ***** about our recruiting all the time(I think you are wrong about that btw), but we just promoted a guy who for eight years was one of the most successful coaches in high school in Tampa when he was there. He is now  an assistant coach and you complain. He was probably the most overqualified graduate assistant in the nation last year.

  3. Its on gousfbulls, Leavitt named Gregory the OC. I'm surprised its not Franks, but he might have had enough responsibility as recruiting coordinator.

    TAMPA, FLA. (January 22, 2007) -- Greg Gregory has been promoted to offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach, and graduate assistant Mike Simmonds has been named the offensive line coach at USF, head coach Jim Leavitt announced tonight. Gregory replaces Rod Smith, who has resigned his position, and Simmonds replaces Greg Frey, who was named the offensive line coach at West Virginia earlier this evening.

    “Greg Gregory was a steadying influence on our offense throughout the past two seasons,†said Leavitt. “I have absolute confidence that he will step right in and lead our offense with strong command. He has a great deal of experience, and we’re really looking forward to him taking over our offense.â€Â

    “Mike Simmonds proved himself all throughout the 2006 season while working in his graduate assistant role. He is very deserving of taking over the offensive line position, and his knowledge of the game and work ethic will be great assets.â€Â

    Gregory enjoys a wealth of top-level experience, including 13 seasons as an offensive coordinator and two as a head coach, all at the collegiate level. He first joined USF in 2005 as tight ends coach, after he had been an offensive coordinator for four successive seasons at Ohio (2000-2003) and Richmond (2004). He was the head coach at Missouri Southern State in 1998 and 1999.

    Prior to Missouri Southern, Gregory had been on the staff at Army for 16 years, including seven (1991-97) as associate head coach and a total of nine (1989-97) as offensive coordinator. He also worked with receivers, running backs and quarterbacks at various stages in his 16 years at Army.

    Simmonds joined the Bulls in 2006 after an ultra-successful career as a high school head coach in Tampa. He compiled a 75-29 record in eight seasons at Jefferson High, where he led the Dragons to the state championship game on 2002 and 2004. After a 2-8 debut in 1998, Simmonds led his program to seven consecutive appearances in the state playoffs. He was 17-7 in his postseason competition.

    A graduate of Indiana State, Simmonds was drafted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1987 (10th round), where he was a starting guard in 1989. Including time with Tampa Bay and San Diego, Simmonds was credited with four NFL seasons.

  4. What is the normal attendence for MOTL? I've never been to one, but see the ads for it all the time. And you'd think they'd be able to do it for games occasionally, its not a good idea, its a great idea. (I was at the Sun Dome for the football game against Pitt on ESPN360 in 05 too, it was alot of fun.)

  5. alright, changed title.  i don't think it's a big deal but i also don't think you tell opposing fans that they have a negative affect on your performance.

    I agree with everyone else on the original title of this thread, but honestly I just think you are going 100 miles out of your way looking for something to get on CRM about. Again, do you think every student section in the Big East was going to say, "Gee whiz, its not working when we yell at them on the free throw line, maybe we should just sit here quietly."

  6. I'm not happy right now and think we should be doing better, but do you realize how much you are reaching? They werent going to stop anyway, we are the opponent on the road, the student sections at other Big East schools will give our players the same treatment we give their players in the Sun Dome. He is saying he thought the Notre Dame student section got to him. There is plenty you can critizice without reaching that much.

  7. Just out of curiosity...do y'all ever call up and 'set him straight'? I'm sure, to generate interest, that if the subject has a measure of confrontation or could be considered 'up for debate', you'd stand some sort of chance of being heard. It could be that he, not unlike some individuals on here, enjoy a bit of 'trolling' to see if anyone will take the bait.

    I called him once. A while back he kept saying the Glazers would sell the team to Debartolo and he had inside info on the deal and that when it was said and done he would let out his huge secret on his inside source and "you people will See what I am talking about" I knew how he got his info. He was at Malios drinking one night and Debartolo and some other people were there and decided to play a joke on Big Dork and started talking loudly about buying the Bucs. I called his show and started to say something about it and he called me every name in the book and hung up on me. I got some grief from the source for letting the cat out of the bag.

    I do not or have not listened to him since then.

    Thats pretty **** funny.

  8. We were more competitive last season. I really thought we'd be better at this point, (we have played 3 ranked teams on the road too). So far the biggest dissapointment to me has been the home game vs. Louisville. That being said, I still say we have over a month left, I'm going to let it play out before I decide what I think either way. I've already said what my goals for the team are this year: make the Big East tourney.

  9. Al Keck doesnt go head to head against Duemig (unless its changed recently. They do USF stuff on there occassionly but very little). The Chix are extremely annoying and other times I cant even pick up 1010. But one of them actually watched the womens game vs. UL (b/c they had Jose's radio show the next day).

    J.P. Petersen has a show at noon on 1470, but its hard to pick that station up to(and when I do, I've only heard him mention USF).

  10. His attack on Jose (and womens basketball and Title IX) this week was ridiculous. His "boycott" of the football team this past season was ridiculous (not like he talked about us that much anyway). Quote from September: UCF "was going to roll over USF".  The Monday after the WVU win, when he was forced to talk about us, he spent about an hour talking about how Jim Leavitt was going to leave for Alabama or Miami and he was so sure of it. And I didnt hear him even mention Keeley Dorsey. (That I'm not sure of, he might have later in the show the night that it happened and I didnt hear it).  Thats just from this past season. And then the infamous HowieP incident.  

    I was driving home when the news of Keeley's passing hit the airwaves. Dummy was in the middle of ripping Jose when the news "came across the wire". It was very awkward radio as he struggled to read the press release.  There was no compassion in his voice, but rather disdain that he now looked like a schmuck for spending the first two hours ripping USF while the University was in crisis mode and mourning the passing of a 19 year old kid.

    I used to like his show, but as soon as WDAE became the official Bucs radio station, Dummy turned into gutless buccaneer sycophant.

    Thanks, I had put it on a couple of times after it came out to see if he said anything, I'll I heard him talking about was gambling.

    I tried to call a couple times the Monday after the WVU game and couldnt get through. Part of his rant that "Leavitt was leaving" was because "you cant win a national title at South Florida, you cant go to a BCS game at South Florida".  Ususally when starts I turn it off. I listened to the first segment when he attacked Jose and then checked later and he was going off about Title IX.

  11. His attack on Jose (and womens basketball and Title IX) this week was ridiculous. His "boycott" of the football team this past season was ridiculous (not like he talked about us that much anyway). Quote from September: UCF "was going to roll over USF".  The Monday after the WVU win, when he was forced to talk about us, he spent about an hour talking about how Jim Leavitt was going to leave for Alabama or Miami and he was so sure of it. And I didnt hear him even mention Keeley Dorsey. (That I'm not sure of, he might have later in the show the night that it happened and I didnt hear it).  Thats just from this past season. And then the infamous HowieP incident.  

  12. He didnt complain all week, he complained for a few minutes in his post game press conference after beating the number 15 team in the nation. He got more publicity out of that than the team would have b/c of the win(which he said he felt bad about). Ron and Ian and Duemig started the next day talking about USF womens basketball. Duemig trashing the entire sport, Jose, and Title IX, but he still talked about it. I dont know what the problem was, but I'm sure it will get straightened out.

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