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Posts posted by ProfessaBull

  1. aren't we already planning on doing facility upgrades to pretty much every facility in athletics over the next 5 years?  We had that rendering on here a while back that showed the future... i believe there were hoops improvements in that drawing... or maybe not.

    In Doug we trust.  Get it done!

    Yup, this is the one thing I don't seem to understand as well. When people talk about why a coach may not want to come here they knock on the facilities. Have we not made upgrades? Is it really that bad? We have a great athletic facility, renovated sundome & plans to do bigger things. The future is bright here because we are always building towards it.

  2. Yeah it's amazing to me that people would capitalize on the circumstance and their impunity from any sort of retribution to take shots at a local institution...amazing to me.  But I guess if I were a journalist in Orlando with nothing to lose (and I thought I was funny) I'd write similar crap about the Knights when given the chance.  I guess I would, if I were an ass.

    To me, papers marginalize their worth with crap like this.

    I guess I don't look so absurd now?

    LOL...If this were Animal House and I were Otter, I would name you "AbsurdaBULL", Delta brother.   ;)


  3. Yeah it's amazing to me that people would capitalize on the circumstance and their impunity from any sort of retribution to take shots at a local institution...amazing to me.  But I guess if I were a journalist in Orlando with nothing to lose (and I thought I was funny) I'd write similar crap about the Knights when given the chance.  I guess I would, if I were an ass.

    To me, papers marginalize their worth with crap like this.

    I guess I don't look so absurd now?

  4. After reading this article I am having a hard time understanding how one can defend DW.

    Come on! Wake UP! How many more coaches are going to turn us down? Will we even start the season with a HEAD coach?

    We've got a guy who is, "up for this challenge" and we havn't got on the HORN!?

    I hope I have to take this back but I'm thinking DW doesn't know his ass from his elbow!

    Absolutely one of the most absurd thing I have ever read on this board.  Surprised so many could pass it up...

    Hmm.. I thought by BOLDING "HEAD coach" you would understand the meaning. My point is that I don't want another ASSISTANT coming into our school acting as a HEAD coach.  Thank GOD, DW is now talking to Heath, maybe he does know his ass from his elbow. I'll take that opinion back.

    And Velcro, feel free to say anything you want, I'm always game!

    Oh and ONE of the most absurd, you should really give me more credit than that. I've stated at least 3 or 4 things that were pretty "absurd" on this board. 8-)

  5. After reading this article I am having a hard time understanding how one can defend DW.

    Come on! Wake UP! How many more coaches are going to turn us down? Will we even start the season with a HEAD coach?

    We've got a guy who is, "up for this challenge" and we havn't got on the HORN!?

    I hope I have to take this back but I'm thinking DW doesn't know his ass from his elbow!

  6. the drivers seat here? It's always fun to play AD so I just wanted to make a quick point.

    It seems to me we have a product that sells itself, no need to rush things and act desparate. We really can get the coach we WANT vs. the position we NEED to fill.

    This may sound cocky but coaches should be priveliged to interview for this job, I believe we have a great pool of potential hires and we are offering one of the hottest jobs in the nation.

    Well, then there is the money "issue". It seems to me that the potential to make more money is there, once you put a winning program on the court. "If you build it the green will come"

    What do you guys think?

  7. My vote is for Grant and no one else. I know he wasn't interested earlier but now that the 1st 2 rounds of the tourny are finished, I think he has the opportunity to think more clearly.

    I love his system and what he has accomplished with VCU. They gave PITT a real scare, a team that I have in the final four. As fans I think we need really get behind this guy because he will bring an era of winning.

    Does anyone know what his "dream job" is or where he stands currently? How much can we pay this guy?


  8. I think you have to wait at least a week or two. My reason being, What if Coach Grant loses in round 1 or 2, don't you think he starts to reconsider earlier offers? As a coach he is preparing to win a NC right now with VCU, why would he entertain job offers when that is not his current goal?

    you've got to wait a couple weeks here to see who TRUELY IS AVAILABLE

  9. Is Brett acting in an agency capacity for USF?

    I can see it now:

    Woolard: "Karl, I'd like to talk to you about the HC gig at USF."

    Karl:  "Yeah, umm, I don't know, I already spoke to Brett."

    Woolard:  "and...."

    Karl:  "Well there is a reason Anthony Grant said no early on."

    Woolard:  "Look, Karl, we're committed."

    Karl:  "Brett says it'll be a long road and you jokers won't spend any money.  He also says that football coach there is a jerk."

    Woolard:  "Now look Karl, Brett doesn't speak for us."

    Karl:  "Hold on, I got Brett on the other line...."No Brett, I'll tell him I'm not interested, I have him on the line right now, thanks".  Yeah Doug, I'm not gonna be able to do this, but I did hear that Lappas and Jarvis are interested, but don't hire anyone that has interest and approaches you."

    Woolard:  (sensing some sort of deja vu) "Huh?"

    Karl:  "Gotta run, Doug"


  10. I think Bullsayer made a good point too.

    Also, a lot of the talk I see on here has been "What coaches are available" as if we have to sift through the dumpster of fired or embarassed out of work coaches.

    I'd like to see us focus on the guy we believe will get it done and go out and get him.  We don't need a reject who's desperately looking for work.  We need to select our guy and go get him (as several have tried with Leavitt).

    Not taking the back seat anymore starts right now.  It's a tall order, because having that kind of vision will cost big dollars.  I will be impressed when we go take a quality, proven head coach away from another proven program.

    I'm just not for rolling the dice on a cast-off or some assistant with "potential."

    Could not agree more. We need to take someone who has a job and is performing well, one who is maturing and advancing. I hope we can go after a guy like Grant from VCU.

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