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Posts posted by Dmince

  1. It's not like I don't support McCullum. USFGriff and I bought each other honorary coach on the bench seats, attended 90% of the games, and made signifigant contributions to athletics at USF. We, along with Student Body Presidential Candidate Mike Mincberg, have told McCullum that we will do whatever we can to help him, the same we did with Seth.

    Seth is awesome. He is a great mentor, coach, family man, friend, citizen, and role model.  I have learned a lot from him. I enjoyed watching him prove you guys wrong this year, and am positive he will continue his success. He did a great job here considering the luck he had.

    If Seth would have lost by thirty to Rutgers again last night, it would've been all over this board. Now I post about Seth doing something positive and everyone starts crying. I am just being fair.

    USFGriff and I are happy people who love USF. We understand athletics is a business and do not hold vendettas against people who pursue other opportunities for their families. This is a fundamental right for citizens of this great country. Life is too short to dislike people for petty reasons.

    In closing:

    1) I love Seth he's my guy. (Before you make any jokes realize that  I have a gorgeous girfriend while you have soft hands and a bottle of Jergens)

    2) RMC is cool too and I will continue to support him

    3) USFGriff is a great citizen and USF BULL

    4) Love thy neighbor

    5) God Bless America

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