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Posts posted by MaBull

  1. Grateful for the win, but they were blessed way too many mistakes. They forced five turnovers and had numerous opportunities in the beginning of the second half and the fourth quarter to put this game away. Bad playcalling and really terrible defensive backfield play kept FAMU in the game

    I think Byron Brown is a stud but he needs to become a little bit more patient in the pocket and wait for opportunities to arise however the offensive Line still needs work that may be a reason why he’s a little antsy in the pocket
    on a positive note, the run defense is significantly better than last year and if they can improve the pass rush This could be a really good defense 

  2. I personally liked the presser. what did you expect him to be pumped up and excited, they just lost and  I for one don’t expect him to be happy when that happens.  I Expect him to be pissed. He said right away we have already moved on to this week

    the real test will be how they bounce back.

    he took responsibility and praised the players.

    by the way, has anybody ever watched a news conference after Bill Belichick loses. Not pretty

  3. Totally unfair to the judge the coaching after one game. it was obvious that the overall talent level is actually better than last year and the scheme discipline on defense was light years better. They still need to figure out how to get a pass rush and do they need to clean up the penalties?  
    A couple calls could’ve been better like throwing on first and goal from the four in the third quarter with a chance the tie the game.

    The offensive line needs a lot of work and improvement. We knew that early on you. Remember one of his first comments was it was almost criminal way Scott left the offensive line. It’s a work in progress and should get better. The only concern is skill  players on the outside. It didn’t look like they had enough.

    Overall, I thought there was signs of encouragement all over the place.

    we’ll see what happens as the season progresses.

    way too soon for the hanging noose 

  4. Agree game was winnable penalties and mistakes cost them.

    BB did not play his best game missed wide open receivers several time including one in the end zone  2 interceptions both times did not see the defender.

    on a positive note defense was defiantly better the actually made multiple critical stops

     the problem was the offence

    I think coaching will be better as games go overall I don’t think they did that that job OK players didn’t execute. Three turnovers is not acceptable. Penalties were not Acceptable.



  5. offensive line
    Skill positions have not been a problem at USF. The problem the last several years have been in the trenches both on offense and defense.

    last year the O-line held up pretty well, however, the D-line was atrocious.

    this year they’ve had a tremendous turnover & brought in a lot of new bodies on the O-line. If they get coached up and Gel as a unit, the office will be fine if not the Skill positions won’t matter

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  6. There was a line he used in his interview that if he sticks to it, I think will have a huge impact on the performance and expectations of the team.

    He said people that tell you, the truth are the ones who care about you the most.

    That tells me he’s not going to coddle anybody and he’s going to be in their face about what they need to do and his expectations of them

    and I think that’s great

  7. wow, with everything going on in our country in the world that’s what becomes important.
    Unfortunately, this is the reality of our country today. I’m not sure how we change it. People just need to learn how to get along with the human race and not take everything so freaking seriously. 


  8. Mohl has been her long enough. To have a pitching staff this bad Is leadership malpractice. You can’t convince me that FAU or UCF IS that much more attractive than USF. I believe MK needs to make a move. The athletic department is going backwards 

    mainly because of terrible leadership at the coaching level in the major Mens sports 

    Golesh NEEDS to preform 

    Basketball hire critical 

    now baseball is floundering 


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  9. I’m very wise man once told me if  you’re leading a team everybody agrees with you, you’re probably not a very good leader. A great leader’s job is to influence enough people to work together towards the goal of success. If you’re looking for someone who just wants to keep the status quo, not cause any waves you’re gonna end up with another Brian Gregory, or Jeff Scott. I for one would like to see a coach that is more concerned about winning than what people think. 

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  10. I would be 100% behind the  hiring of Rick Pitino assuming he would come here, and Mike Kelly would offer him a job. That being said my next choice would be the guy from Umass. My sister is pretty high up in the administration there and she couldn’t talk enough good things about him and how much they like him. He’s fiery and aggressive. And will bring a welcome spark to the program after nice guy but  milk toast Gregory

  11. The fact that he fired him so quickly tells me they have a game plan in place to replace him. I believe it was absolutely the right move.
    now they need a quality hire with some shops. If that means taking a little bit of a chance, I say go for it. In today’s college environment this program can be turned around overnight it’s just going to take proven leadership.

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  12. As people have said UNLESS THE DEFENSE IMPROVES the team’s record will not improve much.

    I also think that the talent on defense last year was not as bad as they performed. But they were so poorly coached and prepared. It was amazing. They were constantly out of position and looked confused even at the end of the year. I’m not sure that you can point to game with the defense actually strung together two or three good series in a row.

    I’m hoping that this coaching staff can actually coach, motivate and prepare players

  13. I won hundred percent understand why he is holding a grudge USF. This way that whole situation went down was terrible. Also never reached out to him or even really acknowledges his contributions to the football program and  the university.

    FWIW I still feel that whole situation was handled poorly & was an unfair to hm & did not warrant his removal.
    It really changed the direction not only his career but also the momentum and direction of USF football

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  14. 1 hour ago, Friscobull said:

    All of that makes perfect sense except you cannot ignore having an undersized Defensive line, they set the tone for the entire D.  If they consistently get covered up by blocks and rarely get a push then everything else falls apart.  As bad as this D was I have trouble ruling out anything as a reason.  We didn’t execute, poor scheme, small, slow and lacked talent.  If there is anything else that I am missing then we were deficient in that as well because you don’t reach this level of suckage without epically failing at every level.

    Agreed But for USF to have been somewhat successful this year their  defense needed to be just adequate. Which it was not. But my point is that proper coaching and execution can take worst defense and make them at least serviceable .The biggest challenge this past season was the offense  had so much pressure on them To be perfect to make up for a miserably coached  defense that  had trouble putting two quality plays  together let alone two qualities series or a quarter

  15. Winners  win and loser lose. I love this guys attitude And frankness. If he has a coaching staff that can coach I believe he’ll have success here. One glaring omission in this press conference was defensive line you can’t win without an offensive line and you can’t play good defense without A defensive line

    Not One reporter asked a question about defense. I would think with what the USF defense was last year that would be a main focus of the questions 

  16. It’s hard to judge last year‘s offense  because the defense was so historically bad that the pressure on the offense  was incredible. He knew that if he didn’t score on every possession they had no shot win. So basically they had the mindset when they started the game that they were two touchdowns behind And most times it became reality by the end of the first-quarter

    so a great offense  with a average defense will win most times in college 

    when it looks like he’s going to have a totally new defensive staff

    All they need to do now is recruit some defensive players especially on the D line and edge rushers 



  17. His background as an assistant coach Might look like Jeff Scott

    but his demeanor in the way he is attacking His responsibilities is way different than Jeff Scott I thought from the beginning that CJS seems to be double minded And always Seemed that he wanted to be back At Clemson.

    maybe it was just me but CJS seemed to be soft & always make excuses. Not the recipe to rebuild a program.

    If CAG Is what he sounds like he could be the right guy! It already feels like he’s working a whole lot harder than CJS ever did.


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