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  1. Thanks Brad. Tough loss this weekend. We got exposed as a team that has, with the exception of Stoneybrook, who we struggled with for a good part of the game, has only beaten teams with loosing records. The good news is UConn and Tulsa have loosing records too, so we have a chance at a decent bowl game. Unfortunately, from what I've seen this year from my beloved Bulls, I don't think we stand a chance with what UCF is bringing to the table. I hope I'm wrong, but I've reeled in any thoughts of this team winning the conference. What's worse is watching UCF take what should be ours! 4th and 21, and we can't close the door! That was really unbelievable, and of course extremely disappointing. UCONN here we come. Make sure you have your "B" game, because we're bringing ours.
  2. Welcome RomanBull to the board.  Please let me know if I can help you with anything.


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