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Posts posted by bullieman08

  1. Well hopefully we will get to 30 wins and get two out of 3 at UCF bc they seem down. Need to get better pitching, don't see a postseason this year, too tough of a league, but excited to see what happens. This is how your suppose to take a mediocre team and make them better, especially first year coach. You hear that Willie.

  2. Lost another series to a horrible east carolina team. Even with over 30 wins this team is a huge letdown and will not be going anywhere this year at all now. No real excuse for not sweeping that bad of a team, hopefully get some pitching bc I really miss are one who graduated and shows how much one player can make a huge difference.

  3. Yes a sweep would be nice, but we need to win 2 out of 3 here the rest of the way, 1 out of 3 wont cut it.  This is a tough conference and USF as of right now is sticking with it, which at least to me is a surprise given last year, but this new coach seems to know what he is doing.  Just need some better pitching and we might make the post season.

  4. http://theamerican.org/documents/2015/4/15/WTenn_day_1_ucf_usf_results.pdf

    Had to get through womens tennis first, one more reminder of who we really are before the good times come.

    That is true, but not all sports are going to be great all at once.  Plus didnt the women have a new coach, b/c the other coach got fired for whatever they did.  I just wish UCF would leave one way or the other it stinks they have really good teams too, but I just have to remember things go in cycles, unless Men's basketball we seem to kind of stink at that forever lol.  Seeing the way we have been playing in these sports, if we can only get football back and basketball respectable, I feel the ACC could be our next and hopefully last stop for a long time.

  5. I have to say no matter how these teams finish up the Spring, it has been a great few months being a Bulls fan.  With women's bball, men's baseball, men's golf, men's tennis all ranked or close to being ranked and also even though, their conference record isn't great the softball team has over 30 wins.  Heck the track team finished 1 and 2 at UCF.  No matter if they are not the big revenue sports like football, let us enjoy this b/c we know come September we will all be depressed at how football is doing and wished we were back in April with top 25 programs.

  6. Glad we got 2 out of 3, need to keep doing that bc we still have a very tough schedule and getting 2 out of 3 each series should win us the conference. Baseball is always interesting how one day u can score 10 runs and the next 0. Oj to Memphis and we will probably lose on tuesday which is ok, bc seems when w llow on tuesday we win 2 out of 3 on the weekend.



    I think the article was written by Taggart....its a perfect ploy, get everyone underestimating the team and then win 6 get in a bowl and get an extension. I hope it works! In the meantime, USF BASEBALL is still going on......and all you asshats who were waiting to see how we did against UConn, had better show up this weekend and root the team onto a sweep of the purple pirates.

    Well said!!

    Team has very questionable pitching as displayed this evening against FIU.


    Yeah i dont know what it is with baseball and losing to less talented teams during the week.  If it is like last week though I will take it winning 2 out of 3 against ECU.  I feel this team has a chance to make the postseason, but we shall see, I still think 50/50 if we will or have a let down at the end of the season.

  8. I always felt USF was a fit for the ACC and UCF and Cincy for the B12.  If you look at football we have nearly beat all ACC teams at least once including Notre Dame.  I think the location and teams fit USF better in the ACC than B12.  Remember ACC is really just a Big East 2.0.  I think it should be UCONN, Memphis, and USF in the ACC, Cincy in the B12 or B10, UCF in the Sun Belt (I wish) or really the B12.

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  9. I dont understand how the rankings work, how do we get 4th place in a strong field and are ahead of two top 10 teams, but yet drop to 15th or 18th, depending on which one you look at.  Shouldn't we have stayed around 9 or even maybe moved up a spot or two.  Maybe we just dont get enough respect.

  10. we're only allowed to have 3-4 good teams at a time. women's hoops is good, soccer is good, tennis/track something is good...baseball is improving, therefore the Rule of USF states that softball must suck now.

    You forgot about Men's Golf they are very good and like I said before even in a down year they have over 30 wins.  I wish a down season in football was 7 wins, o how I can wish.

  11. Hmm sound like typical us, but the men did get 2 out of 3 like I was hoping. I kind of figure losing our great pitcher would be a let down this year. 30 wins so far is great just disappointed in the conference record if we want to have a chance to make the postseason. I do wish out sports who have a down season still be this good lol.

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