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Posts posted by Carolina_Bull

  1. 2 minutes ago, usfbullrider said:

    5th or 6th rnder makes significantly less than 3rd rnder.  Sure he will be cashing a check but these guys get cut pretty easily and then you could be bouncing around for quite a while and maybe never find a home in the NFL.   I love Mack but there are several premier  backs in this draft while I can't think of any in next years.

    Unlike most other schools, Taggart makes sure his running backs catch the ball out of the backfield.  NFL teams will place a premium on that fact.  He's better in every way than Shane Vereen.  Imagine those Pats teams with Mack in for Vereen.  

    On a related note, if D'ernest Johnson ends up on the right team with his catching skills and passion for the game, he has yet chance to be a 10 year pro.  He reminds me of a uility player like Keith Byers.

  2. 6 minutes ago, 206BULL said:

    I'm not the same as everyone, I went to college 3000 miles from home and have moved to different states for lateral positions just to get a shot at faster advancement. I'm also single and not that close to my family. If Taggart is offered a big 3 job someday he's gone in a heart beat but he could certainly enjoy living by his parents and having his kids grow up in the same area he did; if that's the case we may be able to hold onto him for a few more years. We will see which is more important to him money today at the cost of moving 3000 miles from family or making a solid check and getting the same money just a few years down the line but you still get to stay close to the folks. That's all I'm saying.

    I'd take the Oregon gig.


    USF will benefit from the fact it provides the platform for coaches to get a job at Oregon.  The fan base will be dazzled by the list of coaches that want to be our coach.  This is a win/win for USF.


    If Taggart walks for some yucky program like wake forest or Purdue, I'd be bummed.  Oregon HC is arguably the best job in college sports depending on the way you look at things.  They fired their HC for the first time in 40 years.



  3. 1 minute ago, 206BULL said:

    I'm starting to think that this year may very well be the year we see what Taggarts long term intentions are. He has some West coast connections from his time at Stanford and he would still be able to pull some kids from FL there too. Hope he's not too high on their list.

    He wants to win the national championship.  10-2 is going to get him the Birmingham Bowl.  A 10-2 Oregon team would be in the playoff conversation.  A school like Oregon will also pay him enough to change the history of his family forever.


    I imagine his long term intentions are the same as yours.  What would you do?

  4. 3 hours ago, bullsfan27 said:

    I don't see willie leaving usf for Oregon since he has ties to the area while he would have to establish ties all the way across the country at Oregon. Frost is the opposite he has no ties to Florida but plenty of ties to Oregon 

    You are crazy.  Taggart would leave in a heartbeat.


    Taggart will eventually get crazy offers for the way he stayed the course when our team sank to wretched lows.  Most coaches would have buckled from the pressure.


    I honestly don't know if he is an excellent coach.  But I've seen enough to know he is an excellent leader.

  5. 29 minutes ago, MMW said:

    As Triple pointed out, our program was on a run in 2007-2009 so the comparison is not equitable.

    On a USF football board the rest of your comment seems out of place.  

    I enjoy watching my team play against whoever is on the field.  Do I care that it is Navy versus Wake Forest?  Nope.  The teams that show up all seem to have players with uniforms and pads and have an expectation to win.  I enjoy watching them leave with those expectations not being met.

    Since all things are equal according to many on this board, USF is on an unprecedented run since October 2015.  Yet attendance is garbage.  The reason attendance stinks is due, in large part, to the fact the Generican is a bad, geographically sprawling, contrived conference that is stacked with too many crummy teams.


    I understand that I have strong feelings about the Generican compared to others.  But people at least need to stop saying the Generican is good or neutral for USF.  It's not.  

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  6. 3 minutes ago, MMW said:

    Was the BE so great?  We still play UCONN and Cinci.

    We lost Rutgers, Syracuse, Pitt, WVU and UL.  

    I think you can swap Rutgers for Temple, Syracuse for ECU (ECU probably has better fan support for football), Pitt for Navy/Memphis and UH for Louisville.  WVU was a loss but it was only one game and UCF helps somewhat.

    Before you all jump on me about UH v UL keep in mind, Louisville stunk during the Kragthope years.  UH does a pretty good UL impression these days in my opinion.

    I would agree that it is a step down but is it really that big of a step? 




    Stop trying to fool yourself.


    Rather than opine, simply take the schools you assert are comparable and actually COMPARE attendance figures when we played each as a conference opponent.


    the solution to this and every other problem USF faces requires honesty and then innovative solutions.  Honesty is always require.  When we honestly tell ourselves that the system is rigged and the the hand we hold is the hand that holds us down, it'll become obvious that the only solution (if there is a solution) is a radical, bold step AGAINST the establishment not in support of the establishment.


    a stadium is a suckers bet

  7. Attendance for AAC football will underwhelm no matter where it is played.


    This does not require speculation.

    When the team was good and we played in the BE, attendance at Rayjay was more gab respectable.  


    Now that the the team is good but we are playing a Generican schedule, attendance is embarrassing.


    stop blaming fans.  Stop talking stadiums and amenities.  IT'S THE PRODUCT. . . . People, in large part, don't want to watch meaningless football games.

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