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Posts posted by twillybull

  1. A Bull wearing a Gators shirt is still a Bull

    By: Allison Tiberia, Assoc. Editor

    Issue date: 3/30/07 Section: Opinion

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    I am an imposter.

    At least that's what Student Government senior comptroller Thomas King seems to think.

    SG purchases an advertisement in the Oracle every week called "Branding Every Bull," in which a member of SG discusses an issue he or she has with something on campus. On Monday, King authored the discussion, in which he said that wearing a non-USF shirt makes USF students imposters and traitors.

    King also said these imposters are disrespecting USF's student-athletes because they work hard and sacrifice a lot, and those who wear other schools' shirts aren't honoring their work.

    Here's the thing: My dad attended pharmacy school at the University of Florida. As an alumnus of that school, he cheers for the Gators, and I grew up watching UF sports. My wearing of a Gators shirt in support of UF's football team after it won the national championship in January, or in support of its basketball team - for which I will be cheering Saturday night during its Final Four game - doesn't make me an imposter of a USF student.

    I attend USF football games when I can. I've made it to a few of the basketball games in my time here, but I'm usually working when the Bulls are playing at the Sun Dome. [highlight]And I do wear USF shirts from time to time, usually during a big sporting event.[/highlight]

    [highlight]But I will continue to root for the Gators, too.[/highlight] As of right now, Florida is not in major competition with USF in football or basketball, so what does it matter if I wear a Gators shirt during football season? It doesn't.

    And when the day comes that the Bulls face off against the Gators in a football game (at the time, I believe it is set for 2010) - if I'm not working - I'll proudly be there in my Bulls shirt, because it's the school I attended.

    I support USF and its sports teams, and wearing a shirt from another school does not make me a traitor.

    Toward the end of the discussion, King wrote that the University is going through a time of positive change and growth, and the students who wear shirts from other schools are rude and counterproductive to this change. King finished by writing, "This can and will be the atmosphere of our campus if we all show our support for USF and shun the 'imposters.' Take pride and be a leader because it starts with YOU!"

    Wearing a Gators shirt from time to time is not holding this University back.

    Students wearing college shirts that aren't affiliated with their universities aren't holding their schools back, either. Kayleigh Hudson, a student at the University of South Carolina, supports the Gamecocks. But she also grew up as a Virginia Tech fan, and supports the Hokies as well. USC is not struggling because Hudson may wear a VT shirt every now and then.


    You're either a USF Bull or you're not!  It's time to pick the school you're going to root for... you cannot be a TRUE USF fan and still ride the Gator Bandwagon.  It's time to either **** or get off the pot.  

    No true USF fan would wear a UF (or any other college) shirt UNLESS they personally attended that school (family members don't count).  It's even worse if you're wearing it ON CAMPUS where the student atheletes can see you.  What kind of message does that send to these kids busting their butts?  I'm a USF student, but the team isn't good enough for me to don my school colors... so Go Gators?  WTF?  You're either a Gator OR a Bull, you cannot be both.    

    You wear USF shirts from time to time, usually during a big sporting event?  Are you kidding me?  You should wear a USF shirt ALL the time!  

  2. What was the biggest problem in our losses last year, or over the last 2 for that matter?  Consistency at OFFENSE.  

    Chalk last season up to lack of depth at RB and a good ole' helping of bad playcalling from Rod Smith.  Smith is gone -  replaced by better coaches, the stable at RB is now full,  there are plenty of veterans on the O-line, Grothe has a full year under his belt, almost all of the recievers are back... the offense can only be expected to be better than last season.  

    Cinci did not STOMP us, hell neither did Rutgers or Kansas.  Even the Louisville game was close up until the 4th quarter.  What was missing from each of those contests?  A running game and good offensive playcalling.  

    With McKenzey (sp?) joining the team and Ben Moffitt back in the middle and the secondary almost completely intact,  I'm not worried about the defense.  That is if they can all keep out of trouble this off season.  ;D

    USF has made it's national headlines by playing the "Giant Killer" role.  Pitt in `01, UL in '03 and '05, WVa in '06...  And how many loosing seasons did USF have (in the regular season) since 2000?  

    That looks less like luck and more like progress to me.  

  3. I know this will no doubt hijack this thread, but I still do not like the idea of playing Rutgers on the road five days after the UCF game.  We might overlook UCF (I doubt this because The Jim does not like UCF) but more likely we will not be as prepared for Rutgers as we should be.  We can beat Rutgers up there if we are emotionally right and have our defensive assignments down pat.  If we are not ready emotionally or mentally, well.... :-/

    I don't like it at all.


    UGGHHH!! I couldn't agree with you more.  That is arguably the worst part of the schedule this year, (even worse than getting Auburn and West Virginia in the first 4 games).  We SHOULD blow out FAU and UCF, but they will bring their A game for us.  I doubt USF looks past the mouse towners, but it'll be an emotional game.  It'll be telling to see how the Bulls react while wearing a "target".  

    If the UCF game isn't a blowout, the Rutgers game really starts to look like something to worry about (especially with the short turn around).  Fortunately USF should be a bit better than last year and Rutgers should be a little worse (they lost some very key Seniors from last season).  

  4. Apis - The famous Professor Nohra, of course

    UGHH Norah... I'd skip it just becuase it's him.  He's not so tough, just learn to type your homework in Word / equation editor.  It's much easier than dealing with his "box every answer perfectly" crap.  I hated that class... but on a positive note I did meet my wife in Statics class.    

    PS: Enjoy the ******* "TWO MINUTES" yell.

  5. Interlux "Perfection" and Awl Grip make 2-part polyurathanes that are pretty close in color.  Interlux Jade Mist Green is pretty close.  You can get these at West Marine, check them out on the web.  Look at "topside" paints.  

    The Awl Grip is pretty easy stuff to apply with a HPLV  Home-Depot type sprayer, but you really want to be careful if you spray on yourself, the stuff can be pretty flammable and hazardous when airborne.  

  6. DUDE, S.Bien...I hope USF is paying you for your PR work man.

    In fact, why didn't I think of this before, you MUST be employed by them. ::)I'm a moron, why didn't I think of this before.

    Finally something we agree on.  Maybe you should move to Orlando...

    FYI to KL, the NCAA recommended penalty for a failed second drug test is the lesser two game suspension.  Their research has found that levying the higher penalty (50%) would result in a much higher rate of relapse, partially due to the depressing effect that such a long probation brings.  They found by reducing the penalty to two games, the rate of relapse into bad behaviour is cut by over half.  

    Think about what a two game suspension does to the kid's overall stats... that's a big hit for a kid jockeying for position in the NFL, (arguably the goal of most Div-I BCS football players).  A 50% suspension in reality takes the kid completely out of contention for a post-collegiate career.  

    Taking away a kid's goals / motivation does not help whatsoever in the rehabilitation process.  

  7. I can't help but laugh at all of you idiots bashing ProfessaBull.

    Are you all really THAT bored that you have to start false drama over a comment that clearly had no  "smearing" intent?

    All the dude said was that "Ponton could be next".  We have one guy getting anal about his dreadful SMEARING of Ponton in that statement (lol?).  We have another guy say that ProfessaBull (or even the website) are inviting legal troubles.

    You guys need to relax and stop being so anal.

    My initial thought was, "wow are these scare tactics?" I've done nothing legally wrong here nor have I personally "smeared" someone's reputation. I can't help but laugh at comments pertaining to my comments. There is no validity in it. At least I'm speculating on things based upon prior information provided by the public media. Attack the media, :) not me.

    No scare tactics, just calling you out for BS.  

    So tell me, where in the media was the cause for Julmiste's dismissal printed?  Why attack the media for crap YOU write?  

    We know (by his own admissions) the reason for last years suspension of Julmiste, but when a kid is riding the line of his third chance, any minor screw up could have gotten him kicked off.  You just assumed that it was another failed drug test.  

    Where in the media did it say Ponton was next?  Why even bring him up?  

    Question of validity?  Check your own posts.  

  8. Are you kidding, this kid has size and speed.  He's only played for 1/2 of his sophomore year.  If he had the gumption to stick it out, he would have been a monster!

    As far as kicking him off the team, I think it was better now than later.  We can get the new guys more reps and if he was a bad influence (how could you not be considered a bad influence) he's not there anymore.  

    As far as the Clown College of greater Tallahassee, I seem to remember a Polish Placekickera few years back consistently breaking the rules and getting in trouble and never reaping any consequences.  Or what about the QB that lit off explosives in his toilet and didn't get kicked off?  Then there was the Free Shoes U scandal with Pete Warrick, he didn't get in any real trouble.  

  9. So what happened to Julmiste?  Or are you speculating on that too?  I haven't read any reports specifically stating what rule he broke this time.

    Look at that seal that appears on that signature block of yours, if I'm not mistaken those words are "Truth" and "Wisdom".  Two word you may want to consider carefully before the next time you smear somene with your speculation.

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