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Posts posted by rnangel

  1. you guys make me laugh...i of all people am not bitter...i have been blessed all my life and i feel sorry for you who have to put people down to feel better...this has been my 1st entry since may and i get this kind of treatment...kind of ironic that i get treated this way when all i have stated is the truth...oh well, this hag needs her beauty sleep...farewell to all and i hope your pathetic little lives get somewhat better..;GO BOBCATS.....

  2. yea *******....i guess what i hear about you is true...your mom would be so proud of you and your great accomplishments...hahaha   enjoy your sorry pathic life....enjoyed the conversations....oh yea,i met your boyfriend and he is cute or should i say sweet.....keep in touch loser....

  3. listen bullwhoeveryouare, get your story straight...i read somewhere that nevermind we wont go there but get to the truth...we are about truth and not made up stories...believe us or not. the recruited players who dont qualify for the ones found with drugs in their system and their rooms.l..players who steal from each other and i could go on and on but this speaks for the program itself...students that are all world ahtletics not going to class and not making the grades...what is wrong with this picture...no respect or morals...could this be the fallback from a good leader...i think  notl....maybe from a leader who lies and does not show players their respects...Anyway,it seems like kyle came out ahead and maybe will get a better education since this is the most important thing about college....

  4. Kyle should have been awarded the scholie but that is old news..His KO average is 65 yards and he is 2/4 with a long of 49...The missed field goals were only inches to the right..Texas State has an open stadium with alot of wind...Not the greatest kicking conditions...Justin Teachey is a good FG kicker but has not been given the opportunity to kick..Leavitts needs to give this kid a a chance to kick FGs....

  5. USF had a great kicker with a year behind Gramatica and earned the position the next year...Kyle Bronson was promised a scholie if he earned the position,,.Leavitts reniged on the scholie after the Bowl  game...Bronson requested his release and was given a full deal with Texas State..I guess Leavitt felt like he could not have 3 kickers on scholie..His loss and Texas State win, win, win.....

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