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Posts posted by red_shirt_spur

  1.  Hello guys ,  I had to stop in after that nail bitter tonight.  Great game for the bulls ,  I can't believe that we won after anouther free throw shooting game like that.  Carolina is in big trouble  ??? once we get to the SEC games ahead.  I didn't make it to the game tonight but from what I heard you guys played really well.  Congrats on the game , you should win a good many games left on your schedule.  Good luck guys...

  2.  Fans of USF , we really took notice of the numbers you had......I really was pissed at our fans because we have new uniforms this year ( Black ) and the fans are supose to were black at night and Garnet in day......so why did it look half black and half garnet.....the fans at usc came half ass yesterday, it was a quiet game , and to make it worse you guys looked great, real team sprit, all wereing cloths that matched and to you the guy with the painted head , my hats off........a real Bulls fan.....you guys are on your way.

  3. Well , Well.  Look who is stupid now........Lotsofbull99 gets lots of respect for keeping it real......not to be a bad sport,  YOu guys played well I think we could really use your fg kicker.....hes world class....I watched him close.......you the man lotsofbull99 keep it reall......

  4.  You guys were just added to our schedule for an easy win.....sorry...but that is the truth.......they said it the other day, but to your credit.......some people said that it might come back to bite us in the but if we lose to you guys or Troy state next week.......but no lie thats why you were added.....hey you got to start somewhere.... :-/

  5.   I really have repect for your team and I think that you guys have a chance........but I feel like your chances are about 3/10.......We are really good this year......But I have heard very good things about this team and wish you guys the best of luck....watch for # 82 Troy Williamson WR to have a big day and #3 Cory boyd HB to move the chains.......as for the D end George Gause and Moe Thompson are two of the best........Recardo Hurley LB is nasty......look for a hard time moving the ball......

  6.  Hello, I got that one covered......Newton is fast, very fast......In practice he throws the ball like a pro but he has no throws in any game.....Last year he played WR because Pinkins our starter was well into the plays...Now were are looking to the future and Newton looks like anouther Woody Danzler from Clemson....Fast with a arm to hurt you deep,....but I worry if hes ready.....However Pinkins isnt hurt bad enough to miss the game if we get in trouble....We have some real fast backs and WR... and our D. nearly won the game aginst # 3 UGA  they scored 9 of our 16 points....and only let georgia score 20......neadless to say you wont score more than 14 if that so I hope your d is as good as you say.....

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