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Posts posted by Hangloose

  1. I'm from Jersey and the one reason that Rutgers hasn't done much in football is they held there players to the same standards as all students and would not recruit on talent alone.  FYI Rutgers is a tough school to get in to.  It was a big debate about the new recruiting standards they have with the current coaching staff.  I don't think the graduation rate will be to high but a win is a win.

  2. I've been on the board under another name for some time.  I'm from Jersey and went home for the holiday from Chicago, USF 94'.  I've seen 5 games this year on ESPN game plan and thought it was a great idea to drive 3 hours with my Pop to my 1st USF Football game, when home for the holiday.  I was able to buy tickets after talking with the UCONN Ath. Dept. that USF returned 300 tickets 6 days before the game (my luck).  Well all went well although cold!, intil a 65 yard run for a TD by UCONN.  To summerize from there the defense played well the offense was SAD!  Hall had no line at all and if you remember me from last year PJ is a Joke as a 1-A QB!  I told my Pop before the game that there are 3 things we need to win.  1. Hall to run, 2. Low penalties, 3. Turnover margin.  To Sum up my view; the offense was sad,  we don't deserve to play for a BCS game.  The offense did everything to lose this game!  What is really sad is PJ is our best option at QB and he is not a prime time player (Div. 1-A player) in any stretch of the imagination.  They had 8 or 9 in the box the entire game because we had no threat of passing.  Of course I was almost on the field w/ 3rd and goal on the 1 with 5 min. left then came our famous penalties.  $hit we did everything to lose!   OK I vented, GOOD season guys you over achieved.  Let's win our first Bowl Game, we will be playing more to our level.  THIS YEAR!

  3. I'll tell you what!  I'm so anti our QB's the last couple of years, I'm one of the first to bad mouth our offensive play calling.  I will never bad mouth CJL but our OC is another story.  CJL is up-beat and looking at the positives of the team and the running game.  He has taken a lot of blame (from the coaching stand point) for the bad QB play and offense.  I'm more confident he will make the right adjustments to move the ball.  My take is let TCU stack the box and we will still run it down their throat, with a gift reception here and there.  This 2004 USF team is a strong running team and passing should be a second thought.  AKA Steelers offense (past).  I'm holding out hope we make the adjustments to use our strengthes.  I predict the no-huddle spread will be used a lot less then the past.  I hope!

  4. OK!!  Sigh!!   To start early in the game which I stopped listening to at half.  Sorry couldn't any more and was going out.  We are the same team, but worse, with no improvements from last year, penalties and NO QB are the problem (Defense ?).  What the hell are the coaches doing with our talent and shortcomings?  For example: early on we had a 1st and 5 and they called 3 passing plays in a row, with a QB that has proven he can not make the play, (last year), missed feild goal.  What the Hell is CL and the OC thinking.  My take is we could have been in this game if we had some common sense of our strengths on the field.  MB is gone get over it, we have NO talent at QB get over it, and WE have a veteran O-Line and a talented backfield, Wake-Up.  Yes our young secondary needs to improve (we need better recruits or better coaches),  but the O had some chances as well.  I hate to say it but we look (sound)  worse then our boys in Orlando.  The Coaching staff NEEDS to make adjustments and think outside that small box they had for so many years!  JL wake up and look at what you have on the field.  RUN RUN PASS.  Let the strengths work and limit the weakness.  In addition Banks should never play again for USF!  If you remember me from last season I was an anti-Banks fan from the beginning, he may be a good guy but he can't play for crap.  How is it that other "Florida" teams pass with ease on top 25 teams and we can't pass on D-1AA teams?  I won't give up on making a bowl this season (with TCU getting 70 on them) but we need an offense bottom line.  We haven't seen anything from that side in over a year.  Adjustment and change are not bad words, or are we not capable with this coaching staff to make those improvements.  WE ARE BETTER THEN THIS!!

  5. Hello all I haven't posted in awhile but check the board on a regular basis.  I have been thinking, like all of you, about the up coming season and how it will pan out.  My first order of business is to predict an 8-3 record with loses possibly coming against USC, So. Miss, and UAB(?).  Although, a SM loss would hurt the most.  

    Second, I would like to get some feedback on your position breakdowns.  We obviously all have concerns about the QB position and like many feel this will dictate our productivity on offense.  I for one would really like to see a more balanced attack incorporating more of a running game and mixing up the formations.  There will be an improvement at QB but there is no MB behind center.  The RB position although not that deep (great frosh and a JUCO) will be improved and should be able to contribute a more stable attack.  Both positions will really benefit from what excites me the most, the veteran O-Line.  These guys seem really fired up and eager to showcase their skills as a unit.  WR's seem to have more speed, of course not that proven, it will be exciting to see some of the young guys showcase their skills.  The defense looks solid, with the ? being at the secondary.  They seem to have speed at DB with frosh stepping up.  However safety may be a concern.  So we have one week to go what is the feedback lets talk some BULLS Football.  Sidebar:  With the early interest in the program the future looks good; but I predict going out of CUSA with our first bowl appearance and setting the stage for the future!  

  6. Smazza I will refrain from getting into a pissing match with you, we are on the same side.  We both want what is best for the program.  However, I am a bit older and wiser then you may think and my time is just a valuable as yours, so don't belittle me.  Yes I will agree that keeping fan loyalty is a top priority but my point was the Athletic Dept. has many balls to juggle with USF being such a young program.  As I also noted WINNING and exposure are key priorities at this stage too.  They need to find a balance that keeps the old school happy as well as attract new fans, in this case a Sunday game may be a solution.  I wanted to point out a more logical take on the situation.  I respect you are pissed, I hope the situation gets worked out to the majorities liking not just yours.

  7. I posted many times last season about pulling Banks and QB problems, like many others.  The problem I have with this off-season is that what did we do to fix the major problems we had last season.  After the spring game it looks like the same team as last year.  We have a good defense but a question mark at offense.  We are still in the MB offense, spread with a QB that is not able to produce.  I hope with the new talent coming in that CJL will adjust and bring more balance on the offensive side.  But I have my questions and concerns.  Bottom line is we have an offense that is capable to produce but a coaching staff that is forcing the wrong game plan.  Someone please tell me that we will make adjustments and not just stick with what worked 2 years ago.  I strongly feel we have the talent to take CUSA but not with the offensive set-up we have in place.

  8. This post is for our boy Smazza and any others that have a problem with the Pitt game being moved.  Let us think for a minute about what you are ******** at.  USF is going to play a recent top 25 team on national TV on Labor Day.  Sorry but I only see an upside to the move.  We need the nation to get an idea of who USF is and this seems like a good forum.  We have played football for a short time and will be going into the BE next year, a void to fill with Miami leaving.  Answer this, How many people know who USF is or that they are moving to the BE?  As a fan of USF you must want some national Press, and understand that there must be some flexibility to get it.  To have such a hard a$$ stand to say you are done with season tickets, etc. is looking at the short term.  We need to do what we can to build this program, not only on the field but in the eyes of the public.  And that includes a more public appeal to people outside the USF arena.  So Smazza if you need to take a break for a few years so be it, but you will be first in line 5-10 years from now when the PR has worked and we are a national team.  Think outside your box and look at what needs to be done.  Exposure and wins.  Thank you I'll take both.  GO BULLS!

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