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Here are just a few random thoughts about tonights game.

Crowd-  Great crowd numbers wise, but I still thought it was very quiet at times.  I got there early and had a seat on the 3B bleachers in the top row.  Place was packed, but could have been louder.  In fact I tried getting the people up in our area a few times to no avail.  People were purchasing tickets in the second inning when others were seen leaving the field simply because there was no place for all of the people.  Many couldn't see anything.  Also, why weren't all the fans flashing the horns?  This actually pissed me off a bit, but more about that later.

Music-  Pretty much the same as its been all season long with a few exceptions.  It seems we play the same songs in between every inning at each game.  I've been to 6 games and have heard the exact same songs at the same point of every game.  Its nice to follow a plan, but in games like this it would have been better to wing it more to get the crowd more into the game.  Finally 'The Bull' or 'Number 8' was played.  That was good, but the times they chose to play it didn't make sense.  Why you ask, because there wasn't enough time to get to the good part of the song.  USFCollin probably won't appreciate me saying this, but it was kind of a joke playing that song in between pitches of the same at bat.  Here's a thought, play it in between innings.  Only once I remember they played it at a good time.  UF went to the mound to change pitchers and they played it where it had time to build some steam and it worked.  Sorry Collin just my take.  Your boy Diddy needs to work on a few things before I dub him the best in the business.

Fans-  Pretty good at times, but for the most part nonexistant.  Where did all of our so called 'fans' go when UF jumped on top of us in the 9th inning?  You would think the bleachers were on fire the way that left that place.  We were still down only 3 runs when they all started leaving.  It got worse of course, but are these really the fans we want?  Not me.  Also, when we scored we did that chant, "we're gonna beat the **** out of you, and you, and you, etc".  Do we really need to play this?  How about 'The Bull' at this point?  I think most fans just want a chance to say the word **** as much as possible.  Even the bull**** chant came out a couple of times on a couple of close plays at first.  So we didn't get a call.  Umpires make mistakes all of the time, and these might not have even been mistakes and people start that chant?  C'mon people, get a clue.

These are just a few to mull over.  You might disagree and thats fine too.  I just hope our team gets over this loss quickly.  This one could hurt us if we don't put it behind us.  Its OK to lose to the Gators once, but it better not cost us games this weekend due to not getting over it.          

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I was also in the 3rd base bleachers about mid way down. I tried getting the "Let's Go Bulls!" chant going a few times, but everybody else was just clapping and it seemed like I was the only one yelling it.

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Good points JoeB! The music played was awful with a few exceptions (BALLIN!!). Glad the bull was finally played, but, playing it for a few seconds is not enough.... AND I WAS APPALLED not seeing more horns in the air. Maybe they're just a different kind of bulls fans?

Towards the end of the game I was getting a few chants started but when I stopped it was basically 1 or 2 other people saying it.

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One guy behind me referred to most of the fans throwing the horns up as the "football fans"

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One last thing about what turned out to be the biggest part of the game, the decision to bring in Otero.  First off, let me say that I was against this when it happened.  I was somewhat shocked to see him enter the game in the 8th, although he did a good job in that inning throwing only a limited number of pitches.  People saying they should have taken him out to start the 9th simply don't understand baseball.  You don't bring him in for one inning and then take him out.  It really makes no sense, so you're stuck with him pitching the ninth as well.  It could have worked out, but it didn't.  Its one of those if it works, you're a genius, if it doesn't work, you're an idiot.  I think Lelo just made the wrong call at the wrong time, and he stuck with him too long since he's the ace of the staff.  Bit him on the backside.

I was more concerned with the long term affect this will have on the team.  Hopefully it won't have any, but there was only a slight upside in bringing Otero in the game.  So he closes the game out and gets the save against the Gators.  Great, this is the only good that can come out of this maneuver.  Here are the downsides.

A)  Otero blows the game, in what is the biggest game of the year for USF.  Maybe it gets in his head and affect him later.  Strike #1.

B)  What does this tell you about Lelo not trusting his bullpen?  This was not the last game of a regional or a game 7 scenario.  There is a tomorrow and now our bullpen has to feel slighted.  This would never happen in another midweek matchup versus Stetson or UCF, and the game essentially means the same thing.  Strike #2.

C)  It throws our whole rotation off for this weekend.  We've had a steady Friday and Saturday starter all season.  Even Sunday, but now we bump everyone up.  This one might not be that big of a deal, but if it ain't broke, why fix it?  Strike #3.

So that is three negatives versus one positive.  I just don't like the odds in this scenario.  We could very well have lost with our bullpen.  Thats fine.  We'd left that stadium feeling uneasy about that bunch, but I'm pretty sure no one would have said, "We should have brought in Otero to close it out".  Why not?  Because he's not our closer and we're only 10 games into the season and this game essentially means the same as the one this upcoming Friday against the Chippewas of Central Michigan.

That being said, I'm over this loss already and look forward to cheering our Bulls on the rest of the year.  I suggest everyone else should do the same and keep supporting this team.  I see postseason being a real shot for this team.

Go Bulls!  

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Guys players pick the music for at bats... don't know if you noticed, but Dexter Butler picked Ballin, so we play it when he hits.  If you don't like it... tell our kids to mix in some more ABBA and Emerson, Lake, and Palmer.  Whatever our players select is what we put out there.  

And the rest of what we play is baseball music.  We play the same music at each game because those are the songs people seem to like the best.  If you've got something different you want to hear (and remember, keep it appropriate for baseball), put it here and we'll throw it in the rotation.  

There's 17 changeovers, but subtract the ones where we bring in a new pitcher (and play his song), the promotion contests, the announcement reads... I mean we don't have too many spots to put something in here.  

You can't play "The Bull" between for an entire innings changeover... trust us it just doesn't work.  At FSU, they don't play "The Chop" during a changeover for a reason.  This isn't football, or even hoops, baseball is a different atmosphere.  It's our national pastime remember.  Emphasis on pastime.  

How about our fans getting on their feet and making some noise for our pitcher with two strikes and two outs?  How about the "left, right, left, right" thing after a kid strikes out as he heads back to the dugout?  Organization at baseball needs to come from fans, not the PA.  Google what they do at Mississippi State... that's great stuff.  

And come on guys... Bull Durham "Lollygaggers" during a mound conference?  Bluto's speech from Animal House to lead off the Bottom of the 9th??  That's brilliant stuff.  

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Bull Durham, that was what the "Lollygaggers" bit was from.  It was bothering me because I forgot.  I agree with collin, I have heard FSU and UF do the "left, right, left, right" thing when the opposing team strikes out.  That is very embarrassing to the other team's batters.  It looks like we need a Baseball Fan 101 course on here.

Baseball games are what you make out of them.  If the crowd is calm and relaxed, then the game will also be that way.  When a crowd is rowdy it can get to the other team's pitchers and batters.  I have played baseball games where the crowd was so loud, my body was shaking.  I couldn't think, let alone hit.  I have also played in games where there was no crowd and I could here a pin drop.  Scream, Heckle, and BE LOUD!!!!  I hope to see many of you at the game Friday.

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Collin, I'm with you on most of that stuff.  The personal songs you can't do much about.  But I'd rather here 'The Bull' then two versions of Take Me Out to the Ball Game.  One should be enough.

I forgot to mention the Lollygaggers, the Animal House and other skit like stuff.  That actually was great, timing and everything.  Gotta give credit where credit is due and you guys were all over that.  

Totally agree with the crowd (see my earlier post).  I was about teh only one who consistently got up and cheered with two strikes.  I did it early in the game and no one else was doing it.  We need to have some students organize some stuff and be the ones to lead certain cheers, along with the left/right type stuff.  

Speaking of that, where were the Beef Studs tonight?  They would be the ones to try to lead that type of cheering, but you are absolutely right, it needs to be organized alot better.  

Hopefully my post didn't come off too negative, because I had a great time up until the 9th inning.  Think of it as constructive criticism.  Either way, I hope we gained some more baseball fans for the rest of the year.  We won't come close to seeing a crowd of this size for the rest of the year, so I hope that doesn't deter any fans from coming out.  Every game means something for this team as they strive to reach the post season.  


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From what I've read on this board, the Beef Studs would be completely out of place at a baseball game and would stand a chance of getting thrown out of the stadium.

If you want to see how other schools do it... well, there are lots of schools in Florida that play baseball. As much as it pains me, go to Gainesville and listen to those hillbillies get on the "Earls" who pitch against them. Or go to Tallahassee and see what those guys do (they're super-organized). Go to a school like Stetson that basically has nothing but baseball.

And tell your friends (especially the students) that these games are some of the last chances they'll have to spend outside in the sunshine before it gets all miserably hot and humid. It's even free.

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It's amazing ... nobody shows up to a game, people complain .... people show up to a game, people complain. Just go to the game, have fun and then go on with your life. Root for your team and stop complaing. Nobody is ever going to be satisfied that's just how it is.

Collin is right on the money. Baseball is a different sport from football or basketball. Baseball is a slower game that doesn't have as much action as football and basketball. Everything can't be like football. The songs that are played are tradition for baseball. Baseball is my favorite sport and singing take me out the the ball game never gets old. Just be happy that they played the "bull" for you and took your suggestion. From what I saw, it got people pumped up throwing the bull horns in the air. Be happy that there are people out there that care about this university and take peoples opinions into account. But just go out there and root for your team.

The students were down the 3rd base side having a BBQ and leading cheers for everyone around them. Even though we lost, the thing they asked most is when can we do this again. Students are going to come out and watch the guys out there and support them.

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