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Testing your USF loyalty: Level II

Guest BasketBull.

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Guest BasketBull.

[glb]Welcome Bulls! You are the chosen ones.[/glb] But are you worthy?

Level II

Since you are Bulls, you will start with 100 points.

1) Testing The purity of Your USF Heart

Have you rooted for the Noles/Canes/Bastard Gators since USF has had football?

(Subtract 10 points / Subtract an additional 10 points if you cheered for the Bastard Gators.)

Do you own Noles/Canes/Bastard Gators' paraphernalia (also known as 'garbage')?

(Subtract 10 points / Subtract an additional 10 points for Bastard Gator garbage)

2) Testing Your USF Devotion.

Do you feel a deep hurt when we lose a football/basketball/baseball game (other sports also count)?

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

When we recruit players, do you get emotionally attached to the outcome?

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

Have you attended, transferred, or applied to another university since you were a Bull?

(If "Yes", subtract 10 points.)

Testing Your Commitment To USF

Will you call in sick / cancel a hot date/ abandon something pretty important (like your anniversary) to watch/attend a major USF sporting event?

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

If for some ungodly reason USF Athletics were shut down completely, would you cry for days and days?

(If "No", ---You are dead inside, so subtract 20 points!)

When USF got football, did you hop/jump around like a little kid upon hearing the news?

(If "No", subtract 20 points.)

Testing Your USF Blood

If you had a choice to choose between a USF alumnus or your non-USF relative for employment, would you choose the Bull?

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

Would you let your child attend another university?

(If "Yes", hit yourself on the head and subtract 10 points.)

Would you let your child attend Bastard Gator U?

(If "Yes", poke yourself in the eye and subtract 25 points!


If you score 90 or 100: [glb]YOU ARE TRULY WORTHY!  It's Bulls like you that make USF GREAT![/glb]

If you scored between 70 and 80, not bad, not bad at all. But you need to make some changes!  :(

If you scored under 70 ---[glb]SHAME ON YOU! And you dare call yourself a Bull![/glb]  >:( >:( >:(

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I scored 80... these were the only 2 subtractions

If you had a choice to choose between a USF alumnus or your non-USF relative for employment, would you choose the Bull?

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

Would you let your child attend another university?

(If "Yes", hit yourself on the head and subtract 10 points.)

I wouldn't choose a usf alum over a non-usf family member unless the usf alumn was better for the position... just not my style... sorry.  But if that non-usf family member was a gator... now that would be a different story ;) ;)

I wouldn't make my kid go to any school beside the one they want to go to... even if it was UCF or UF   ughhhh  ;D

so i guess i have work to do ;D

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Since you are Bulls, you will start with 100 points.

Have you rooted for the Noles/Canes/Bastard Gators since USF has had football?

Yes...a fan of Miami.

(Subtract 10 points)

Do you own Noles/Canes/Bastard Gators' paraphernalia (also known as 'garbage')?

Yes...a FSU fan long before USF had a team

(Subtract 10 points)

Do you feel a deep hurt when we lose a football/basketball/baseball game (other sports also count)?


When we recruit players, do you get emotionally attached to the outcome?

No...key word 'recruit'.

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

Have you attended, transferred, or applied to another university since you were a Bull?

No...one stint in college is enough.

Will you call in sick / cancel a hot date/ abandon something pretty important (like your anniversary) to watch/attend a major USF sporting event?

No...I generally schedule around sporting events.  

(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

If for some ungodly reason USF Athletics were shut down completely, would you cry for days and days?  


When USF got football, did you hop/jump around like a little kid upon hearing the news?


If you had a choice to choose between a USF alumnus or your non-USF relative for employment, would you choose the Bull?

No...I've met some incredibly 'mentally challenged' Bulls

and some very bright folks from Notre Dame, Duke and


(If "No", subtract 10 points.)

Would you let your child attend another university?

Yes...Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford or USF... ;)

(If "Yes", hit yourself on the head and subtract 10 points.)

Would you let your child attend Bastard Gator U?

Sure...UF is a pretty good school.

(If "Yes", poke yourself in the eye and subtract 25 points!


Hmmm...looks like I got a 15! 8)

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80 points...same questions as Velcro.

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90... **** Wittenberg! Love USF... even while at Witt, I cared more about USF football games than our own... I should at least get half credit! Hell, I flew a USF flag on my house on campus... Enough said! IU justed wanted to play!

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some of the questions aren't fair, especially since i didn't even know about usf till my senior year(2000-2001) so its hard for me to have jumped up and down hearing we got football, been a cane fan long before i was a bullzfan, and i have attended a community college during the summer since i went home to miami.  not fair, i scored a 50 because of these questions

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bull forever!

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Guest BasketBull.

This test was designed to really test one's USF heart. And I know some of the questions aren't fair, but that's the idea! Loyalty is not easy or fair.

Even the mighty Sheriff only got a 90!


Here's  [glb]BasketBull.'s:[/glb]

1) Testing The purity of Your USF Heart

Have you rooted for the Noles/Canes/Bastard Gators since USF has had football?

[glb]Are you kidding me?[/glb]

Do you own Noles/Canes/Bastard Gators' paraphernalia (also known as 'garbage')?

[glb]I'd wear a Gator patch on my butt.[/glb]

2) Testing Your USF Devotion.

Do you feel a deep hurt when we lose a football/basketball/baseball game (other sports also count)?

[glb]I cried this year when Louisville beat up our basketball team, and that was just from looking at the score.[/glb]

When we recruit players, do you get emotionally attached to the outcome?

[glb]Don't know how many times I've lost sleep over an announcement... Losing Shea Cotton still eats at me![/glb]

Have you attended, transferred, or applied to another university since you were a Bull?

[glb]I've thought about and researched other schools, but I'm coming back to USF because it's where my heart wants to be.[/glb]

Testing Your Commitment To USF

Will you call in sick / cancel a hot date/ abandon something pretty important (like your anniversary) to watch/attend a major USF sporting event?

[glb]No job, chick, or so-called "priority" is more important than a major USF sporting event! [/glb]

If for some ungodly reason USF Athletics were shut down completely, would you cry for days and days?

[glb]I go nuts when we lose a game...[/glb]

When USF got football, did you hop/jump around like a little kid upon hearing the news?

[glb]That was the best new's I had heard in years![/glb]

Testing Your USF Blood

If you had a choice to choose between a USF alumnus or your non-USF relative for employment, would you choose the Bull?

[glb]I'd give a Bull the shirt off my back.[/glb]

Would you let your child attend another university?

[glb]No kids here, but if I did: Attend USF or get out of the family![/glb]

Would you let your child attend Bastard Gator U?

[glb]It would never happen; I would teach my kid about the many evils in this world![/glb]


100 points: my heart is pure. I'm in Taiwan and I know just about everything that goes on with USF athletics... That's what loyalty is all about!

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