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Everything posted by Yogi

  1. As much as I’m looking forward to watching this game I may just have to record it. The nascar championship race is on at the same time and my driver Kyle Busch is going for the cup. Unless he crashes out and then it’s basketball season y’all.
  2. We are in lot 6. I bought a pack of 6 blow up flamingos from amazon for under $12. Willing to trade one for a beach ball.
  3. I was going to make a flag for tailgating but they want almost $200 for a custom flag
  4. Every time we came up with a big play on defense. The war flamingo was there giving us the strength.
  5. The tradition is alive and well in sec 123
  6. Btw. I got a email that they are not distributing season tickets this year. But instead a pass like the bucs do. Hopefully this spills over to football next year. Kinda cool
  7. Can we skip temple and move on to east Carolina.
  8. http://www.gousfbulls.com/news/2017/8/31/football-new-usf-looks-new-traditions-at-ray-jay.aspx
  9. I can't find the article again, it was the one about the new locker rooms. They mentioned the bulls entrance is different this year. They will be doing a video showing the team coming out of the locker room and heading down to the tunnel. Like the Goldberg entrance. But instead of the southwest tunnel they are coming out of the northwest tunnel by the student section. It mentioned in the article that they wanted to be closer to the students.
  10. A swing and a miss. An A- for effort though.
  11. I was the guy living across from you on the second. Heck y'all even had a cat. Frisco? If I remember correctly
  12. I would but my 4 month old is sleeping on my arm. It's the iconic u. In green with some gold outlines. About 4-6 inches. Perfect size to put on a yeti
  13. The 2017 season has NOW officially started.
  14. Wanting shorter games? I attempt to make my game day experience longer.
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